im out of the grays, that means i win.
1. fuck you
daquan takin care of your bish’s axe wound for you?
you mad bro?
lol vids instead of articles. good luck bro heard sanders is gonna do a lot for you lazy fucks sit back someone is bound to pick up the slack
youre gonna have a bad time
because men are dogs women are whores
V8 option. fuck you
wagons are for people that cant afford a subaru lesbian-mobile
so let me get this straight...they pulled the tranny from a fucking dakota instead of jacking ANY of their RAM stuff? are they retarded?
nigger go away
cuck detected
pussy, why haven’t you stuck a shotgun in your mouth yet and pulled the trigger?
bend over for mohemed the muslim pedophile a little more,
Looking at*, truly*
vs this 60k abortion? lolz