You also need to consider the externalized costs of store bought produce.
You also need to consider the externalized costs of store bought produce.
Yep. Situational awareness is vastly underrated.
Here’s what I told my daughters when they were learning: Drive as if everybody else on the road is purposely trying to kill you at all times, and you’ll be okay.
Pushing back on gas:
Diet-related B12 deficiency in non-vegans is unlikely. However there can be absorption issues due to issues like gastritis.
You get to have everyone call you “crazy” because you don’t want to waste some of the limited time you have on this earth laying around in bed.
Wow. Showing my age here, I still remember when David and Barbara announced their engagement on alt.folklore.urban.
Don’t overlook B12 deficiency.
One with a valid state inspection sticker (which is legally required to drive the car) on it?
Ok maybe you can answer my question I’ve always wondered about: Rental cars can wander far from the state they’re registered in. When one needs to be inspected, do they have to make sure it gets back to that state it’s registered in, or do they just reregister it in the state it happens to be in?
The thing about the expired tags brings up a question I’ve always wondered about: do they need to somehow make sure a car gets back to the state it’s registered in when it needs to be inspected - or do they just reregister it in whatever state it happens to be in?
Note that this will make your bookcases a bit wobbly...
Using mayo as a dipping sauce is also very European...horseradish mayo is equally at home on a plate of shrimp frites
I really wish they would have kept the “single queue and dispatch to the next available checkout clerk” setup my local supermarket had in the early days.
Semper ubi sub ubi! Especially on idus martiae.
“Error, persisted in long enough, must be accepted in the language. But there is no need to hurry.” - Charles Rembar, The Law of the Land
The little known and hard to find Testament.
“How I wish I could determine, of circle round, the exact relation Archimedes found”
GOAD = Got old and died. Meaning died for any of numerous non-specific age-related reasons.