
He should have "hacked" Proactive and got himself some pimple lotion.

@jcnaquin: I was having problems too till I uninstalled and re-installed

@mike_311: You are right. Thank you for trying.

@ManaT: Your point is great and you are super. Thank you for your comment. I've been using the Scrotumic method, but I will try you Socratic method.


lol, that was awesome.

Hooray... NOT. Who cares? Let's see if vaporbook pans out.

Sigh... I give up.

@38thsignal: Dude are you serious? If he was doing a good job those people wouldn't need to squat there regardless of when it was built. BTW, why not renovate or tear down the building? Because Hugo's communist government is a sham.

No black? Racist.

They don't bake on Wednesday?

Snatch, besides being a great word is one of the best movies ever.

Lol. I think cops used some dags to track them.

Wonyoung is going to be very Wonrich.

Some guy walked up to me while I was parked at the DMV after hours and said he was a cop and I had to move. I pulled out my phone, pointed the camera lens and asked him to repeat it, he walked away.

lol, he got Facefuct. That's my new term for idiots getting caught doing dumb stuff of Facebook.

As they said on Family Guy, better test this out on a hot dog before.... well, you know.

@Bubbsdaddy: My thoughts exactly. The speed alone would make you pull your hair out even if you only had 3 tethered.

Sweet, thanks. You should be writing these articles, lol.