
Hey look, he stepped away from checking on gossip on Gawker and Facebook to post another retarded comment. I'm sure you have hundreds of friends on Facebook, right? Because they are all really your friends. What a moron. Thanks for making my point. lololololololol.

Have you ever heard of email, skype, or even a phone? Stop being such a sheep.

This was on Gizmodo, so it seems you're the only idiot hanging around a gossip site genius, lol.

I love it when people ask me if I'm on Facebook. It's like an instant idiot filter.

lol, this is beyond sad. You guys sure know how to go down in a blazing inferno.

That's a sexy mug shot. Good thing he took that shower.

Great post, I've been thinking this for months now. I loath Facebook and all the minions that live on it playing stupid games and catching up on gossip. Can't wait till it crumbles like myspace.

They're not that stupid if they got away with a 50" plasma. Or is this another Giz post that doesn't state all the facts?

I'll bet you.... 1 trillion dollars. Now lets see that picture of you in your American flag shirt, flag hat, flag shorts, holding a small flag standing on the great wall with your tour group.

@kthe23rd: Click the wrench and about chrome button, you'll be able to upgrade from there.

@bez_online: I'm on that version as well and it works fine for me, as well as the cloud printing.

Chrome 10? I'm already on 11.0.686.3

It's an American thing because we are in America and 9 out of 10 times it's some entitled American bitching about something like this. Just look at your comments, real smart and open minded. If pointing out faults is un-American then count me in that group. Fuck Yeah, America number 1! I'm willing to bet you've never

lol, that was awesome. Someone please give this guy an iPad and film him.

This is exactly why I love downloading movies via Bit Torrent. Fuck the Hollywood studios. If they weren't so concerned about riping me off with shitty movies, crappy 3D and outrageous prices I would love to support them. As it stands, I take great pleasure in "stealing" Hollywood content and depriving them of my

First of all, you shouldn't feel guilty of being the parent of "that baby", the issue is with the people that don't like it, not yours. A lot of the jerks that don't like it seem to forget they were babies at one point, and they surely "annoyed" someone during those years.

@Gramma42ton: Because the guy sitting next to you CAN turn down the volume. It's clearly not that simple with a child. I don't have a baby, but I understand when people travel with their kids. I find it very annoying when people get upset with parents when they are clearly in a public area. It's not like they dragged

Stop being an ass. You don't have exclusive rights to flying. Some people love their children and like having them along instead of leaving them at home. If you're so bothered, why don't you charter your own plane? If you can't afford that, then shut the fuck up.