
I was more referring to the speed and number of cores of the CPU and GPU, and the amount of RAM.

@JFI_MMX: Sounds like you just walked out of the Apple event yesterday, lol. I agree with you though.

lol, love how you went to ca.gizmodo.com instead of the going to the crappy new format. Much props Matt, you're the man.

I wish iFixit could tell us what those chips are instead of the part numbers (speed, size, etc). Maybe they don't know either I guess.

That's either the worst hair piece in the world or the shittiest haircut. It's all lose lose I guess.

Nobody in that crowd had cel phone video? Too bad, would have made the story so much better.

@Serolf Divad: Why not return it and buy it from their eBay store? I'm sure they'll gladly take it back, maybe they'll just refund you the $50 on the spot. $50 is a lot of money, at least to me it is.

10am PST. Yes, it will be livebloged on Engadget and other sites, Giz is doing a meta liveblog.

Did you know that B&N is selling the NC on their eBay store for $200? Take a look and save yourself $50.

If your implication is regarding Apple, that would only make sense if I could only buy from their stores and if they weren't also the manufacturer of said products. Unless this guy makes his own kick ass bikes that you can't get anywhere else, I'm guessing better deals can be found. I may be completely off, maybe he

Awesome, thanks for that. I can't stand Facebook in any form and this helps out quite a bit.

Meta liveblog, lol. Sorry, but something about that speaks volumes of the way Giz has been going lately.

I tend to shy away from fancy places that sell the same items I can buy elsewhere, mainly due to the fact that the high rent means high prices.

Must be like sleeping with a new chick every night when he goes home to his wife.

That dude was awesome. Looked like he stayed calm the whole time. Wonder if he got away with it?

The Oscars.... Why isn't this dinosaur train-wreck dead yet? Just announce the winners and be done. Instead, we have this glorified exhibition of narcissism. The worst part has to be the people that actual tune in to watch this crap.

@greendude33: And Brian had to eat the poop out of Stewie's diaper. Lol, that was classic.

The real story is that a locksmith got in with a drill. That's one crappy ass safe.

Next Batmobile? Or maybe a new Transformer. I like.

Well, you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet don't you?