
I have to admit, never really heard of the guy, so i don't know if his other stuff is funny or not. I was listening to Blizcon last night and heard a few of his "jokes", in particular the bit about Rockband 3 and Final Fantasy. I just didn't think either were very funny. Almost glad i didn't hear the rest of it.

@resvrgam: I don't think Deathwing was even in WC3, so i think you are safe there.

@Inkmonkey: By the time they actually fix it, the free month will be long over, so its not like the people currently playing with their free month are going to notice the improvements, they'll either have stopped playing by then, or paying up.

@Nulls: I'd like to say, nothing is beyond fixing when it comes to MMOs. Though judging by how Square handled the beta and ignored the huge amount of feedback in order to just release the game as a mess, i can't. Although i barely played FFXI, i believe they were quite slow wtih updating/patching that as well.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: Indeed. Halo 3 had the 800 space bucks for 3 maps way before CoD's map pricing came along. Its always been a bit of a ripoff, especially since you barely end up playing the maps you've paid for, and it literally took 2 years until the playlists required the DLC.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: Perhaps hes referring to Overlook, the firefight map. Some might confuse that one for not being there, since in beta it was only versus and generator defence. They won't see it if they don't play firefight.

I'm disappointed they still went with the 3 maps for 800 points pricing scheme again. Yes i'm complaining about price (i know, who doesn't?) but it shouldn't surprise me in the slightest as it is Microsoft.

Doesn't really surprise me. Watching tournament starcraft 1 was mainly just watching Protoss most the time.

@Tacticalspoon: It would be the equivalent of Nintendo or Sony putting a game on the 360, so yeah, not going to happen.

@Teran: Yup there will. Some items don't show up in the armoury until you hit the right rank.

"Could an idiot make a needler out of a nail gun?!"

I wouldn't say patient is the right word to call Blizzard fans. Its not like they have a lot of choice in the matter. It does help of course that their games are worth waiting for, but even then people hate the long long wait.

I read this as: Sorry but we are not willing to port our engine to the 3DS. Theres no reason why an engine as flexible as the Unreal engine can't be made to work with the 3DS.

Kind of explains why they went with Activision then if its an MMO and might also explain why Acti is letting Bungie keep the IP.

@jShazBot: iirc means: 'if i recall correctly'

@Dennen: No, at the very least there was an arcade game that was in 3D. I don't know about retail games.

I really enjoy watching anything with Dr. Michio Kaku in, good stuff as normal.

@tonicmole: It is a bit misleading. Try streaming 720p youtube content on a very old/ dated PC. My old P4 pc with i believe, a geforce 6 can't handle it at all, it stutters and the playback is laggy and thats due to the hardware. (I don't use that PC any more for the record)

Good. A service such as Onlive would only suffer from having the subscription fee. Nothing worse than letting people buy games, only for the sub to run out and oh, lo and behold you don't have access to your games anymore.