@SixTwoSixFour: I've found armor lock to be the hidden gem of the bunch. Use it wrongly and its near enough useless. Use it correctly and its extremely powerful.
@SixTwoSixFour: I've found armor lock to be the hidden gem of the bunch. Use it wrongly and its near enough useless. Use it correctly and its extremely powerful.
@Son-of-MonsterChalk: No it doesn't take longer. You can spend all your earned CR and it'll have no change on your rank.
@infernoterrorize: I don't see how you can be mad. You were clearly full aware you were abusing something you shouldn't have. Challenges are meant to be done once for that day/or week.
@TurboEK: Considering Wii is unaffected, why are you assuming its MS's fault?
@Freakazoidberg: I'd agree. The challenges seem to be a bit stingy when it comes to credits. There was one to get 40 assists (which in Reach are normally a hard thing to pull off, since the game doesn't always seem to award them to you) and it only rewarded something pitiful like 400 credits. There was another to…
@Nethlem: Handle it!
@hot_heart: so good! :)
@shkm: Sadly i was thinking the same thing lol. Not to mention all my friends live in the town next to me, which is a 20 min drive, doubt they'd be able to come to my rescue, even if they wanted to.
Lets hope they use the time to polish the game. Gears 2 was a pretty solid game, when it came to single player and horde mode. Multiplayer was all over the place for a very long time until they managed to patch most of the issues. That however ultimately hurt Gears as franchise i think, people will be wary when it…
I don't have a problem with them changing the name personally. In multiplayer, it doesn't really matter who your playing as. It doesn't change the game at all.
Doesn't seem to far fetch, but i suspect they'll somehow manage to get it out in November or December. Beta currently needs a lot more polish and bug fixing, which is to be expected.
@wocyob: Agreed. I never really got the humor from claptraps either. He was annoying more than anything else.
I see they still couldn't add in different standing poses. I suspect thats one thing that people want more than anything.
Both are corporations at the end of the day. Neither are evil, but neither are good.
Makes me sad that DLC is already on the cards when the game has only been out for 2 weeks and that goes for any game, not just Reach.
I know the 10 minute footage is a poor judge, but calling it gameplay is stretching it a bit. It was more like an interactive cutscene, there didn't look like there was any freedom.
@TheGMan323: Its Japan. When exactly has a western game thats also a first person shooter ever done better?
I'd sign up, but the fact it breaks party chat is a big turn off. One of my friends who got in the kinect beta, has already excluded himself from everyones party chats because they aren't compatible and it really sucks - hes even playing his 360 less because of it.
@Degrade: It does not work. I've already tried it with someone in the kinect beta (they get the dash update early as well).
@SilentAssassn87: You can look it up just by going to the dashboard and going to the system area.