
You do realise that this feature only allows you to play in 5 man/5 man heroic dungeons right? You can't raid with your cross server friends, you can't quest in the world with them and currently, you won't be able to do battlegrounds or arena with them (they have said, they may add BGs and Arena later). Not to mention

You can't even add friends from another continent to realid. So no, even with this it isn't possible. Your friend would have to have a US account + game.

Its no different to using the dungeon finder, which is essentially what this is. It just allows you to invite friends from other realms before then queueing and using the LFD tool. Same restrictions apply. Player from another realm = unable to trade gold, or items that haven't dropped from that dungeon.

How is this a sign of Blizzard running out of ideas? If anything this just makes the game even more solid than it already is. The fact they are milking this feature for additional money however is another story.

Which is irreverent, since that wasn't his point at all.

I buy new, so this doesn't really affect me. I still find this a disturbing trend because a lot of these passes (like with the EA one) its tied to one console and one gamertag. Meaning other gamertags on the same console can't use it and people with more than one console (say living room, and upstairs) can't both

I think you are nitpicking. A very small percentage of players played Nax at lvl 60, which was the idea behind reusing it as the first 'big' raid in wotlk. It must really suck to be a developer, creating content that barely anyone gets to experience. Sure it came back much easier than it was at lvl 60, but again very

That isn't true at all. They are trying everything they can in order to impress and capture PC players with Battlefield 3. More so than they are console players (details on what the console players will end up getting is quite a mess, actually).

@Asterra: I'd agree with you when it comes to the newer zeldas, but certain tracks in the older games were pretty good, most of Ocarina of Times were excellent.

@awesomemonster: Agreed. Its there for people who want it. Its been made pretty clear from the start it is optional feature.

Seems kind of stupid to not go multiplatform with something like this. Especially not putting it on PC, where the Eve players are.

You know, i don't hate it. I just think Activision is the only publisher that can get away with this kind of thing.

As much as i loved the beta and think Gears 3 will be awesome theres one thing i find extremely hard to believe.

@Wet_Skeletonz: They are "crying" because they didn't bother to read the article and realise that yes, its basically just a UI skin and completely optional.

Love the idea. But it'll sadly be, another thing that won't work in multiplayer, just like the hell dimension.

@Ueziel: Certainly is. I know some of Capcoms DLC offers are a bit shady (unlock keys, ugh) but peoples jobs depend on the money Capcom makes. At the end of the day, the guys at the bottom could be laid off, just like many other gaming publishers have done when profits are down.

@breadofwonder: They tried this in the past (tweak 1 class every major patch) and it really didn't work. That was even back when the classes had far less spells and talents to balance as well. I think most people just need to accept that Blizzard will never be able to balance the classes it has.

@bristolfrenchy: Only 1 of my friends is getting Brink, the rest don't like what they've seen, and i have no idea why that is.

@jt8908: A Demo would have been good as well. Everything i've seen from the videos looks awesome, but its not the same as "feeling" what the weapons are like. Testing out the netcode would have been another bonus.