
@Shiryu: The picture would give it away, anyway. ^^

Sounds awesome. Now hopefully it doesn't come with a price attached to it. I'm a weak... weak person and would probably cave in and buy this. Just because i love these types of game modes were i can just have fun with friends in a co-op like experience against the ai.

@T-800: Pretty much thanks to them closing down a lot of the servers i believe. Typical EA though.

@Evdor: The problem with the grenades in Reach is, not only is the damage extremely high, but the radius is much much larger, which means even if you see the grenade coming towards you, theres virutally no chance of avoiding it. One or the other has got to change, personally i'd tone both the damage and the radius

@uncutlateralus: I've had my respawn over a cliff during invasion as elites as well. Pretty damn irritating, especially since you can't change the spawn.

@lunchbox5388: Just remember you don't have to shoot them in the head until after you've popped the shield. Take the shield out, then head shot them, you should get kills with it everytime then.

@lionkitten: I think hes referring to Covie slayer, in which case you can always choose the loadout with the plasma repeater (Covie AR) and plasma pistol.

@lionkitten: Agreed, personally i think no one loadout gives anyone a big advantage over another person. Armor lock is great for objective games, but as most people quickly learned, all you need to do is stand away from that person, wait til they come out and then kill them. Its true advantage rely on other people on

Hey, if they can fix both the grenade damage and its radius, i think Reach will be a much better game overall for it. The way they've designed Reach's gameplay makes it virtually impossible to dodge a grenade, no matter how quickly you move away from it.

I'm surprised they didn't pack CoD1 in as well, since its an XBLA/PSN game. Then it would be "complete".

@icarus212001: The food you eat will come with facebook integration. So when you finish eating, it'll automatically update all your facebook friends on what you just ate.

@UsernameOfTheDead: Gears 2 was a lot easier than the first, thats for sure. Even on insane difficulty, Gears 2 was a lot easier when compared with the first.

@BritBloke916: Thats what i said in another reply. :) I mean, it couldn't possibly be that some people may have lost interest half way through or that, maybe some people bought the game to play multiplayer.

@d_r_e: Couldn't agree more. To be perfectly honest, the game is super easy on normal anyway. If people aren't finishing the game, its not because its "too hard" that seems like a silly assumption in my opinion. They aren't finishing it maybe because they lost interest half way through, maybe they are part of the band

@stealthpengu: How does it add to balance when someone can just throw grenades in your direction and because of the massive blast radius they can't dodge or escape it?

@TheMightyEthan: Amen brother. Grenades need seriously retuning. Right now they make all weapons seem like pea shooters, because its always the grenades getting kills. Way way to powerful.

@Slinkytech: I wouldn't say its back. It still doesn't track like it did in Halo 2. They have to be pretty much standing in a straight line in front of you without moving.

The game is a lot of fun. The Armor abilities add to the gameplay and change how you react to each fight. New gameplay modes such as stock pile are amazingly fun.

Only bug i've encountered so far was, starting a covie slayer game, and there was no armour ability. So everyone else was rolling around and i was wondering why i couldn't (this was one of the first games i played). Once i died it came back but it was really weird non the less.