
Ubisoft will be right on that in 5..4.. 3.. 2...

It needs to be cheap or it will fail. I don't know how they can think they can be competitive with Nintendo or Sony, when theres will be by far the most expensive. It just won't. That and it won't reach the same level of casual audience because of the price barrier. I'm thinking realistically, it needs to be sub $100,

@captain zach america: Because they are probably using the Xbox 360? I do agree that using something like facebook will always be better doing it on a PC but if they are in the living room chances are they aren't next to the PC and chances are, they won't have the pc on and be doing both at the same time.

@SacGamer: Or they love to hate features that no one forces them to use. I mean, i use facebook, i don't plan to use it on my 360. There isn't a problem.

Looks awesome, if anyones seen the concept art, it looks like something that could be something special. I will say its a shame its Wii only though, would have been better as a multiplatform title.

I like my physical copies and i don't see that changing. I foresee newer generations of gamers being more accepting of digital only platforms but i still think stuff like the gaming handhelds and consoles need to support both the physical formats and the digital, even in the future.

@TheHeeyyy: Even if they did give you the content, you'd expect it to be free, while they are charging console owners for it. Actually, that might be the sole reasons its not on PC, they can't really charge for it.

A lot of people will hate on this idea but really, the people hating, aren't the people this is aimed at. I know quite a few people that enjoy playing games but they are just plain awful or it doesn't come naturally. One happens to be a female friend, the other is my own mother, though my mum has always been good at

The idea of digital rentals, actually, sounds pretty good. I mean, it really depends on the price but paying a couple of £/$ to play the full version of a game for a few days of a game that your not quite sold on paying full price on is a nice idea.

Haha, i think that guy needs to be realistic, hes never going to get that much. It just comes across as trying to be greedy.

@Ash Crimson: Think i struggled with the War zoom as well. Like with all IWs games, the infinite enemy spawns is just a cheap way of artificially making the game harder. Now if you combine that with really small interior 'tunnel' level, makes it hell.

@Dr Drew In The Hizzaaaay: Online achievements generally get in the way of multiplayer games anyway, with people going for them instead of playing the actual game or helping their team.

Impressive PS3 numbers. Kind of goes to show just how well the price drop (erm new slim console?) benefited Sony. It also goes to show how software isn't selling the Wii at all, where as, in the west, its actually Wiii sports, Wii fiitt that actually seem to sell the Wii, The Sale trend of Japan are almost a biizzare

I'm not sold on the multiplayer mode but the single player demo was so awesome that i really was left wanting more.

PSPgo makes me cry on the inside. Its the piece of hardware that.. you wanted to be awesome but in reality, it still needs some work.

So instead of fixing the problem, that is obviously wrong with their software, they expect you to send your Wii in. If a console worked fine prior to the update, then its obviously software related, not hardware.

@ArmyofJuan: Thats what i was thinking. This stuff has been on the market place for a while now. Unless they've added new items, which doesn't seem to be the case.

@jcb231: You don't really need sales data. Its pure profit, even if 10 people download a gamerpic. Admittedly the new themes and avatar stuff requires actual modelling but i'd still wager its all good for Microsoft & Partners.