
@nahde: This forum is, unfortunately, not the place to have this discussion, so my only possible response to your post is this: "Where have you been? You post makes excellent sense if it was written in the 80's, 90', or during the Bush II years, but now? Have you not been paying attention? Have you not seen the

@nahde: I'm sorry to say but you are being ridiculous. First, your comment about Glenn Beck makes no sense which means you probably have never set through a single show of his, or listened without your bias-ears on full blast... Second, you think its just dandy that "one evil company" takes the fall because they

@vinod1978: As far as I know it doesn't eat your minutes... it's $19.95 a month for unlimited microcell minutes. At least here in FL anyway.

@dale.philpott: Oh stop with the *coming home to roost* nonsense. It's never as simple as anyone thinks. As for BP the only ones that really feel hatred for a corporation as those feeble minded enough to be told who to blame, told to hate, by their government and their media outlets. Those that aren't, or at least

@cruzer555: I'm not in a position to defend any company or individual, however, I can say that we are being manipulated into thinking whatever it is we *are* thinking. It's nearly impossible to know who to blame, if anyone, because the truth is being told by the powerful, to suit their agenda.

@evanminn01: Wow mister, you sure are so very authoritative, what with all that sarcasm. You must be wicked smart and stuff, I sure is impressed. Impressed enough to go get me one of those internets and see for myself. You say there are other websites just like this one, with all kinds of technology posts or just this

@evanminn01: What is wrong with you people? Do you really think if "most" iPhone 4's had this problem or the reception problem there wouldn't be a major recall or some other action? I know several others, including my wife, who have ZERO problems, so when I say *most* don't have problems I mean *most*. Jeesh!

You know, I finally picked up two iPhone 4's last week, a 16GB and a 32GB. Neither phone has any reception problem and I tried like hell to make it happen. So, if it IS a design problem can someone please explain to me why most phone as free of this defect? I sincerely want to know.

@chieftom: never said it was, thank you very much. I also never believed that the government had the right to slam down on Microsoft on *most* of their claims. I am NOT a fanboy, jeesh, I don't know why people think that here since I have an anti-fanboy rep for years now... I believe in maximum freedom for companies

@the real that guy dave: Exactly. Despite being an apple user since 1984 I always thought Microsoft had the right to do most of the things it was doing. Don't like apple, don't buy apple. What's the problem?

@the real that guy dave: Thank you! Finally someone else understands. Jesus people, you are just itching for a nice big bowl of socialism.

@Odin: Wait, whoa now. WE aren't investigating Apple, the stupid government is. Please don't think for a second that us everyday people agree with what this freaking nutbag white house and their corrupt idiot cronies do or say

@kylecpcs: Proof of damages? None. This is dumb, but expected in the current climate or corruption.

HOW, HOW HOW could a Class Action Suit even be considered when the TIME allowed to return the damn thing and get a FULL refund hasn't even expired yet? And yet, our moronic government still won't consider legal reform measures to stop stupid things like this.

@taniquetil: Again with this SINGLE article. Did you write this piece? Is that it? It's not about this ONE article, its about the tone of Gizmodo since the WWDC snub. Giz has taken every opportunity to take a swipe at Apple, including this clueless article that you can just feel was written to smite Apple by putting

@taniquetil: I suppose that isolating this ONE article from the past several days of "Uh oh! Apple screwed up, this is the best & worst iphone EVER!" articles spewing from Gizmodo more than once a day makes it easier for you to try and pigeonhole me into some Apple fanboi who loves his iPhone and doesn't want the

@ShawnLGarrett: The only thing I'm upset about is this website going out of its way to slam about Apple after having Jobs say he wasn't going to let Gizmodo off the hook. Have you seen a single word about being contrite about that business? Ah, that would be no.

@aprather: Every single person that bought an iPhone got a big fat receipt that clearly states the return policy on it. Do you really think an article telling people *how* to return the phone is real journalism? Did you ever see Giz post a similar story on how to return an xBox, or is it always Apple they are

@chieftom: Why don't you gather up all the iphone 4 articles Giz has posted since the 24th and add up the posts that are legit stories and the ones that egg Apple on, or criticize Apple for *unknown* or *not able to replicate* issues before you criticize me and my comments about their lack of credibility.