
@MacAttack: How did it start? Hmm, well, let's see. It began with a bone-headed move by Gizmodo, followed by other bone-headed moves until such time that so-called journalists decided to jump on the bandwagon and beat Apple until they cried uncle.

I got my email from Apple last evening. Says it will arrive by August 3. A painless solution to a problem that was so incredibly overblown. Still, saving $30 is nice.

@fldy: Why d y thnk spprt NY lw? Whr dd sy nythng f th knd? gn, wll sy ths t y s wll s fw slct thrs; Jst bcs y typ smthng t tht lks lk smrt rmrk dsn't mk t sch. Y'r pttng wrds nt my mth, jst pllng thm t th sky. sd nthng bt spprtng ny lw, ts mndblwng tht y wld rd thrws.

@MayorBloomberg: Wow, delusion is your middle name. I've made a much stronger point that you have and if I'm typing anger here its because you pinheads are part of the problem. Your faith in government, left or right, is sad and discouraging. Since when did Americans think its okay to hand over their rights to a group

@NrwdsMyHr: S, y cmpltly mssd th cmmnts by th clwn "nmjnsk" thn? r r y smply vrlkng t?

@fldy: N, 'm tkng th stnd tht th GVRNMNT hs n plc hr. 'm tkng th stnd tht th CNSMR cn chng thngs fstr nd bttr thn sm rtrdd pltcn.

@fdnn3: Ww mrn, whppng t th ld "KKK" nslts nw smply bcs 'm nt-bg-gvrnmnt. Wht clss ct y r. Fl bg nw? Fl mprtnt? r y gng t bd tnght thnkng y cntrbtd t th cs bcs y thrw rc crd? 'm mprssd t n nd hr. G, y sr pt m n my plc wth tht rmrk.

@mcdonnr: I see this huge error being made all over the place. IF you buy an iPhone for $199 or $299 you are buying a subsidized phone, to which you had to sign a 2-year contract. The phone is not your "property" until that subsidized pricing is paid for by the contract length. As long as you owe AT&T on your contract

@noamjamski: Really idiot? Searching the site for other comments made by me for the sole reason of pointing it out to others with your mindset is ENGAGING me in a discussion? Wow, how that medication working out for you?

@TheAncient: Consumers do not get "more freedom" when corporations will move against these restrictions in order to maintain profitability. The ONLY time a consumer gets more freedom is when THEY act on a corporation's rule, not the freaking government.

@MayorBloomberg: You're an idiot. If you can't see where the problem is then no doubt you're going to be one of the first to stand in line for some of that "Obama Money", you know, from his "stash". Ready and willing to live in a non-free market society where the government knows what's best, even when you don't know

@lostarchitect: All of you that think this is all great news aren't taking it out its logical conclusion. First, yes, I actually do believe that corporations have a right to make ANY product they want and place ANY restrictions on it they please. You don't want to play by Apple's (or any other company) rules then

@kbnguy001: Real smart clown, think about that a while? Yea, I work for BP after Enron went over. Yawn.

@noamjamski: I can't stand people like you... you and your "OH LOOK OH LOOK... HE SAID THIS TOO... LOOK OVER HERE!! LOOKIT LOOKIT" What a moron... You must be all of 15 years old. "OMG Look! He thinks DIFFERENTLY!! LOOKIT LOOKIT"

You know, this is real bullshit on the part of our socialist government. I mean, what about this is a good thing for business? Oh I know, everybody is ALL against business right now, companies are making WAY too much profit and the little guy is getting hammered. Bullshit, bullshit bullshit.

@LightPress: Morons? All of us? Really? You know, despite this deep dark depression, some of us don't mind dropping $200 on a state of the art smartphone from Apple. Hell, we don't mind doing it every year providing we still have a friend at AT&T willing to bypass a few rules, so don't be so quick to call us all

Boy is he in for a surprise.

I've never, in my life, even remotely entertained the idea that some cult, some religion, some psychic that lived a few hundred years ago, could predict the end of the world or anything else.... BUT, I'm getting pretty convinced that 2012 is real and its all coming down. There are so many things happening right now

@WhenYouDie: Wow, I've never seen a phone with this many applications. How much money did you spend on these and how many are there exactly?