
@taniquetil: maybe you can research someone's comments before you criticize said comments you twerp.

Why are you guys doing this? Do you really believe this is going to end well? Do you want to go out as a self-destructing website? Is someone at Gawker forcing you people to write this crap? How about this; Do ANY of you actually think you were in the right when you bought stolen merchandise and then posted all about

@frigg: I couldn't agree more.

@kasika: Don't take this the wrong way, but I simply don't believe your claim.

You see, now you're just being petty. All this time I thought the people behind this site were grownups.

I know this sounds awfully naive, but I find it difficult to believe that Apple would produce a phone this fragile. Being a fanboy for decades now I've learned that 95% of all indictments against Apple's poor design were individual issues, such as Matt here having the phone fall precisely at the phone's weak spot, a 1

I was shooting a model about 10 feet into the ocean and an unexpected wave came up higher than usual, soaking my iPhone 3GS which was in my shirt pocket. I had an old 3G that I switched to until the iPhone 4 comes out, updated to iOS4 and you're right, the iPhone is barely usable... from typing in a phone number to

What I find upsetting is that pre order day in general. I tried for hours to order one from both Apple and AT&T and couldn't do it. Then AT&T system went nuts and although my contract ends on October 17 2010 the "eligiblbility" option no longer works and the AT&T customer rep said that she noted the account, as well

I don't get it, can someone help figure this out? I am trying to upgrade my phone to the iPhone 4, my 2-year contract is up on October 17, 2010.... Now I thought ATT was allowing ALL users whose contract expired in 2010 to upgrade at the full discount, the $199 price. Am I wrong here?

How cute. I remember those days.