
A fantastic and personal article about one of the best-written games I’ve ever played.

Black and White are excellent; highly recommended. They’re the only games in the series that try to act like a “normal” jRPG.

Black and White have a lot of fans, and it’s worth playing, but while every game since Gen III has been linear BW is the first to be super linear. Like, literally the formula is “go to a new city, do an event, fight its gym, take a route to next city, repeat” with no variation in a map that follows a one-way path. And

There’s quote a few entries that leave me shaking my head. Lost Legacy instead of Uncharted 4? Lost Legacy is a great game, but it’s basically a bitesize experience and U4 is pretty much the peak of the franchise (and yes I’d put it over Uncharted 2). And I can’t really stomach Last of Us 2 being on there, “worthy

“On the take” is slang for accepting bribes or being paid off. Bindolaf is saying Kotaku doesn’t accept money in exchange for favourable reviews, like some other major sites have been exposed over.

ME:A had a dustup because there was a transgender NPC. But in a lot of cases it wasn’t the fact that a transgender NPC existed, it was how hamfisted it was done (literally the conversation went something like “hi, how are you, can you help me with a quest? I’m trans by the way, my deadname was bob”)

The article subject. It’s a minor encounter in the grand scheme of the game. The Salarian who is the “control” subject gives you info on what’s going on, but I do not believe any of his info is game altering or changing. Had we never met them I do not believe anything would change. It’s just an STG member we are told

XI feels like a sequel to 8. If you enjoyed 8, I am confidant you will love XI.

Can’t answer. Still at work for another two hours while the game installs... :(

It is 100% in my list of all-time favorites, and fairly close to the top. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it to everyone, but for the people who are into this type of game, I can’t think of anything else that comes close.

Yeah, having played the trilogy multiple times and it being only a remaster the risk is really low here but, again having played the games before, no real rush.

Once I’m assured ME:L isn’t a scam/ripoff (I’m still burning from CyberPunk 2077 that I preordered 1 day early based on reviews not knowing CDPR had restricted reviewers to using CPDR footage) I’ll be playing ME:L on my PC all weekend.

Thank you, you too :D

Where it renders half the screen one frame, then the other half the next and uses clever techniques to merge to two to make it look whole. So a 4K resolution would be 3840 x 2160, a 4K chequerboard is 1920 x 2160, but the frame is merged with the next 1920 x 2160 frame that is rendering the other 1920 lines to make it

I somehow managed to get an Xbox Series X. Is this worth getting for this system?

P3P is the best version of the game because it adds more to the game than FES does. P3P also has everything FES added to the base game outside of the dungeon and epilogue, which aren’t—imo—worth losing everything else P3P offers just to play FES.

I like the game a lot

I will buuurn myyyyyy dreaaaaaaaaaad

I would play Persona 3 if I owned a single console that it is on. Atlus really needs to port this to modern consoles or PC. I’m not going to buy a used PS2 or PSP just to play this game.