
If it is high on your list, then I’d actually recommend playing the first few hours at some point. In my mind the game was at its best at the beginning and at the end of disc one 50 hours later, so if you just play the first 5ish hours you get to see a lot of the highs of the game as well as a great cross-section of

I’ve only played Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses. Fates is clearly the weakest of these three. It’s not bad, but it’s a lot more nonsensical than the others and just overwhelmed with tons and tons of characters.

Cliff notes are liked condensed study guides you can buy for common high school or college classes, or about specific books taught in those classes. Basically condensing a ton of information for rote memorization and removing everything else. The video game equivalent of the way that Xenogears handles some major

Thanks! I managed to make it out with the shield, but I definitely want to keep trying with the other weapons. The only one I don’t like is the rail...

no worries. I don’t like seeing people being left to wait for an answer to a simple question lol


A vignette is a short piece of art that serves to encompass the entirety of a subject in short form. It generally means standalone works, but in recent years I’ve seen it use to describe unique or standout spots in video games - not quite “set piece” since it’s usually about more spectacular things.

The tutorial recommends an Irish Petty King, but you choose a Kingdom/Realm more than a character

At the moment, I’m finding CK# kind of overwhelming. I’m still at the Paradox Interactive paralysis of choice phase. There’s just too many options.

I’m enjoying it. I really enjoyed the story of Persona 5, but I’m not a big fan of turn-based combat though it wasn’t terrible since I could typically steamroll the...in Futaba’s words...“trash mobs”, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

The main difficulties I found in professional were that enemies hit a LOT harder, took a bunch more damage, and generally attacked faster and with more weapons. However, I never felt that low on ammo, upgrading the initial handgun for its headshot critical bonus worked really well, and rocket launchers still helped

I’m playing Persona 5 for the first time. I’m about 70% through it and I have never quite been so impressed with the sheer style of an RPG before this. There’s combat systems I enjoy a lot, there’s RPGs I’ve really enjoyed such as Skies of Arcadia, Blue Dragon, and Grandia 2, but not quite on such a level as this.

R&C is a classic, a remake done right. The PS2-gen sequels, Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal, are worth tracking down (like in the R&C Collection for PS3) if you really enjoyed the gameplay antics.

I’m not a big Kingdom Hearts fan, but the nearly-emo melodrama throughout KH2 creates some Big Moods that translate into excellent boss fight tension. In my opinion, the best comes in the fight with Roxas right before you enter the last dungeon. It’s a fight between two halves of the same soul, battling for the right

I’m still only on the first uh part/chapter/character/location, but it’s kind of insane how it feels like they’ve narrowed in on exactly all the right qualities that make this series work for Y5. Not that Y4 was a slouch, that game was a blast too, but the balance/mechanics/combat/minigames/everything seems that much

Y5 is probably my favourite of them with 0 og 7 being close second.

Super Mega Baseball 3. My 2020 Game of the Year.

Looking forward to it!  I also have Soma and Resident Evil 2: Remastered on my short list for the next horror games I plan to play.

Palpable? Basically, it’s when a feeling is so intense as to seem like a physical object. In From Software’s other games, the difficulty was often lessened by finding co-op help. But in Sekiro, since there’s no multiplayer, there’s simply no way to make the hard parts easy. It definitely makes the experience of

Not only did I beat Sister Freeze and the Fire Father (with a little help from a friendly phantom) in Dark Souls 3, I also defeated the Naked Mole Dragon and Iudex: Redux. I am now working my way through the Ringed City DLC, and I have to say this is my least favorite part of the game. To call the stretch before the