
I am under 30 and like Indiana Jones. The franchise still seems to be popular with my generation at the very least (I’m in my mid 20s). I honestly feel like the franchise has been underutilized considering how popular it is.

You can play the base game + first expansion totally free now (with certain limitations) and that gets you through level 60. Then if you enjoy it enough buy the newest expansion and that gives you everything and honestly the Shadowbringers expansion is hands down the best Final Fantasy game made in the last 10 years

Every so often I hang out outside the first few dungeons and call out in local chat that if anyone’s struggling with the queue or just want to run it with someone willing to answer questions or just be patient that they can join me... Starting group content in an MMO can be scary and anxiety inducing and I like doing

Yeah Andromeda is worth a play if you’re a mass effect fan for sure. The story isn’t as compelling, but they also weren’t given the benefit of DLC to shore it up like the main series. I would say go into knowing there are some beautiful worlds and some good stories, but it’s sort of like a diet soda. It’s a good

this one thing can’t ruin this other thing for you”? Turns out they’re wrong”

Seems like a personal problem.  I don’t really understand how you could dislike it so much after loving the first one.   It’s definitely worth revisiting, it’s a masterclass in gaming and mods can fix most parts of the experience that annoys

This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me. Before editing there were so many capslock’d “You must do this and then this and oh god can’t wait for you to see this and SO GOOD” repeated over and over again. I love these games so much and I’m glad you appreciate that energy :)

ME2 was a game I was worried would be ruined by the transition from being primarily a PC game to primarily a console one and they got it absolutely perfect. Now that statement doesn’t make sense because ME1 was a 360 exclusive but its design is that of a PC game it had all of the bloat that comes as standard and they

Agreed on all points! One thing to add if I may, the Shadow Broker DLC was absolute ...

I always have, and always will love the original game (DA:O) the best, as I was born & raised on all ye olde Baldur’s gate/Planescape/Idewind Dale games of yore, and I LOVE the depth and difficulty(?) of the combat/spell mechanics. (Plus, you know, the characters were reasonably well-written, and the areas were pretty

Best platformer. Celeste is my actual favorite, but Odyssey is my favorite 3D platformer. And of course, everyone’s entitled to their opinions. “Better for everyone” isn’t how I would describe any of my picks, though. Everyone has different tastes, play-style preferences, and ability levels, so everyone’s best might

Thank you! Gimme Gunstar Heroes then, and I think I can sleep well tonight.

There’s a difference between most important or most influential vs. someone’s personal favorite.

Well, my list stood fairly steady for two decades, but then along came Super Mario Odyssey and Celeste, and everything changed. It’s almost a shame that I have to push out some classics because of these two, but top three is top three.

I would have loved to have played Persona 4 on a TV for the first time and not a handheld, and I Persona 5 Royal just came out. So if I had just waited one more year I would have played more definitive versions of the games for the first time.

He’s a great character. He's a good guy who is flawed and over the course of the game really goes through a great arc. 

I wasn’t joking when I said I probably clocked close to 9 hours a day for three straight months, and then probably still another two or three hours a day for the next couple of months. If I still had the memory card, I could verify... but probably well over a 1000 hours. I remember basically saying that I was going to

It wasn’t Golden, but I bought Persona 4 on my way to the airport to deploy on my last deployment as a warm body. Almost 3 months of my deployment was spent doing fireguard for a dining facility, while it was closed. I had 10 hour days, where my only responsibility was a short 5 minute walk around every hour.

It’s a weird statement for the author to make even IN context of modern events. It's the character's Uncle who also just happens to be a detective. I'm not sure what is supposed to be uncomfortable about that. 

Glad to hear there aren’t any performance issues. This is my favorite game in the series and I’m always looking for more excuses to go back to it! Sure, it’s not as flashy or streamlined as P5, but the characters are really something else and I’ve never liked a cast in a game more than in P4!

Not a bad article, but a Japanese homicide detective has almost zero to do with current events in a country with one of the lowest crime rates. fatalities, and lowest population of minorities. I know Japan has some history of racism and isolationism but the main characters uncle being a detective should not have