
Tuberculosis, haha.

Jumping out of the helicopter to a rooftop pool party, to obliterate everyone, while Kayne’s “Power” plays is still so satisfying!

Oh you were asking what schtick means! Sorry about that, haha. Schtick is “the basic concept and atmosphere.”

New in that almost all the Y5 mini games are same as ever—Mah Jong, casino games, batting cages, etc. The characters all have side missions which are kind of new, like car racing and hunting (which, the hunting part is great!), but there’s nothing like the cabaret management in Y0 and while the chicken racing is kind

Those two top my list, but there are other exclusives I’d like to try. P5 and TLOU are definitely up there along with Spiderman and Bloodborne. 

Disco Elysium is in short, about a detective who drinks so hard he forgets anything about his life and reality itself, and he has 24 personality facets who talk to him and help him make decisions as he has to solve crimes with his endlessly longsuffering lieutenant bro Kim. The setting is a weird mash of the 70's and

I’ve really enjoyed it. I loved Y3 for the Orphanage side of Kiryu, and how much that means to his character. Y5 has more of an emotional connection to that part of Y3 in its story, and goes big into the macho drama of the characters in great way. Also, I really like rhythm games so I really enjoyed the Haruka

The boys are back in town! By “the boys” I mean all four male protagonists of Yakuza 5, and by “town” I mean Kamurocho. Having maxed out Haruka and guided her to beat Noa Amon in her optional secret boss battle, I’ve finally reached the final chapter of the game! Which probably means another twenty hours of wrapping

ME 1 Renegade was kinda pointless.

3 has great parts, 4 is really well plotted and has tons of variety. Haven’t played 5 yet but everything I’ve read makes it sound ridiculously stuffed full of content. 

I’ve never been really big on graphics and upscaled PS3 games are fine for me. But ya going from Kiwami 2/Zero to an upscaled PS3 game will be a shock. But I play Yakuza for Yakuza there is nothing quite like it.

I think 1 is darker in tone compared to 5 but I haven’t played it since it came out. I think the series is more comparable to Bayonetta now when it comes to style

Exactly right. What constitutes a “good” game involves a lot of subjectivity once you get the broader tenets of game design down. 

I can answer.

Regarding “opted”: It means they listened to reviews instead going with what looked like a good game, only to play it later and realize it was a good game.

Hey folks! Please use the comments to talk about the games you like and the ones you wish got more attention this decade!

Please do not use them to shit on other people’s suggestions or to bitch about the list. Kay, thanks!

I think there’s plenty of value in aggregate sites for “is this game good?” I think it’s stupid that people might think game X scored an 88 so it’s better than game Y with its 86, or that they’ll ignore a 79, but buy an 80. I think it’s stupid that game companies reward or punish employees based on scores. I hate that

I’ll miss Gamerankings. I believe review aggregates have value they just shouldn’t be the end all be all and practices such as having bonuses tied to them isn’t a good idea. Metacritic is not a good replacement for Gamerankings, they take half of the amount of info and manage to spread it out into three times the

I dunno, man. Breath of the Wild kinda ruined exploration in games for me. Even brand new games don’t feel exciting or immersive after being able to climb every single surface (with very few exceptions). Outer Wilds looks cool but not on that level. Just my two cents.

Every time I hear or read the words “game soundtrack” I immediately think of Persona 5. The music is such an intrinsical part of that game’s experience. Even my mom, who hates game music, hummed to a couple of tunes as I was playing. I put over 100 hours on that game and I sang along the battle theme every single