
For me, I loved BFME1, it is certainly different than #2, which I found refreshing, it’s less base buildy, and more resource/battle management, which I think worked. There are bases, but they are prebuilt. Plus it’s one of the few RTS’s where soldiers actually go onto the walls and attack downward. I also loved AOE3,

I like how there are no safe choices for you to make. It seems I’m either screwing myself over with resources or killing people off. Sometimes unexpectedly good stuff happens.

Possibly Battle for Middle Earth I & II, and AOE3, because a lot of my family still slugs about in those games.

So I’ve revisited older RTSs that I’ve only found again. Paraworld, Age of Mythology, and likely Dawn of War will be entered into the rotation.

Currently over working my at current job so I will be playing the fill out application after application game this weekend in hopes of finding something I actually want to do.

Banner Saga 2.


Getting a cool reply like this is always nice. No need to say sorry. :)

You are completely right. They are all great games and it’s very hard to decide.

I don’t play online games, so my PSN friend list has 1 person on it, and I haven’t talked to them in over a year.


I’m so sorry.

Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s

But the emerging truth from all of them, and your book, is that the basic structure of designing games is broken. People have this desire to build these awesome worlds for us to enjoy. And in too many cases that desire, and the joy that must come with it, is turning into this nightmarish scenario.

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

I think I did, but even a fan patch couldn’t completely fix everything that was a bit clunky in the game.  I just always felt it deserved a sequel, because I really liked the game despite its issues.

In this usage, it’s being used as a means of identifying what gender will present as. I’m tantalized by the idea that there will be a great deal of gender fluidity as binary gender for Vampires should mean greatly less than it does in real life.

A pronoun is basically a “replacement word” for a name. (It literally means “instead of name”.) So instead of the name Emma you’d say She/Her etc.

I found the controls and some animations to be kinda janky from time to time. I also recall the game softlocking after talking to people a lot. Or freezing, or crashing to desktop. It wasnt the most stable game out there. I also played through the game before the fan patch and that fixed up a lot. It could have been