
I believe it’s millennial word for Gender.

Pronouns are pronomen, here it refers to if you wanna be called a “he” or a “she” or possibly something gender neutral. Here in Sweden we’ve started using “hen” instead of “han” or “hon” when we wanna be gender neatral

Whether your character would be referred to as “he” or “she”, basically. They might be doing more with it, I don’t know.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them.

heh, i played on release.  fan patch was YEARS after

I guess it’s still finding an audience and giving people the same amount of pleasure that it gave me! I had no idea. I thought it was definitely only getting replays from long time fans by now. I couldn’t quite capture in my comment exactly how clear and fond the time of my life is when I binged this game. It’s

As mentioned, there is a pretty much required mod to make the game playable, just google “VTMB Unofficial Patch” and it’s right there. AFAIK the dude in charge of it is still making active updates, which is... quite impressive.

Find it on the cheap, install the unofficial patch, experience one of the greatest stories in gaming.

There’s a dev-approved fix out there

It’s $20 on Steam, buy it, get the unofficial patch and play through.  You won’t regret it.

Now playing

Someone thought it was a Good Idea to put me (7th? overall at the time) in an EarthBound Pajama% race against then world record holder UltimoIce. I spent the time between the announcement and race day playing nothing but EarthBound in a training regime worthy of a Rocky-style montage. I’m practicing stairs glitch on

this is such a good story. XD I totally hear you. If I don’t die immediately, I keep trying and trying and I refuse to let death come mid battle, only to try again. Love the set up, thanks so much for sharing this one!

Now playing

Okay. So I love the Persona games, (at least 3 and onward) but at the time I started playing them, 3 felt like a bit of a slog. So finally one day I sat myself down determined to finish it. During the course of an evening I rushed, made my way through the final months of the game and to the top of Tartarus, to

Yea, im a forza junkie, so i have to pick up an xbox early in the generation by default.. But its always nice to reap the playstation harvest late in the cycle and have a huge smorgosbord to chose from :)

Yea for sure, i actually picked up the ps4 less than two weeks ago. Have a list of all the exclusives ive missed this generation. But the first game i got was odin sphere..

I really like it. I’m not too sure what other game is similar to it other than Chess. You move your “pieces” around an 8x8 grid and try to eliminate your opponent, but you have a bit of an advantage since you will always know what they will do next turn. So it then becomes a game of reacting to those upcoming problems

Like you, the only other game I have played in the Tales series is Symphonia. That was well over a decade ago, so my recollection of it is a bit spotty, but they seem pretty comparable. It is very much an old-school action JRPG. Story seems solid if somewhat typical JRPG fare, but the characters are likable, the art

I’m hoping to play some more Resident Evil 2 remake tonight. I started it with a friend last Friday and kept playing until I noticed the clock said 2:00 a.m. and figured I should probably get some sleep. Haven’t played it since as I know my friend was just as invested in watching as I was in playing.

It was on gamepass or games with gold, can’t remember which.

Mutant Year Zero if you have Xbox (free on gamepass). Military Madness if you have a TurboGrafx 16. What? Just me?