
I remember that in GTA:SA you had to pull a gun at a certain star level before the cops would shoot at you. Yesterday I assaulted a person by flying tackling them, then the cops came and all I did was run away. It went up to 2 stars and they were shooting whenever they were in range.

In GTA V, it's usually better to die than to be arrested.

Regarding the "dying is better than being arrested" thing, that is actually the major complaint I have about the game. I admit I'm only about 30% of the way through it, but I have yet to be arrested because I know if I just leap to my death when the cops are about to arrest me, I'm out a couple hundo but get to keep

All I have to say is if you get into a good lobby of people playing a game mode like racing or something try to keep it going and don't just drop out. A-you make way more money doing this stuff than fighting people on the street and B-this is where you rank up quickest so you can unlock things like sniper rifles.

Uhh... I've had a PS3 since 2008 and the option to disable notifications has been there since as long as I can remember. Here you go:

Honest question:

I do not understand why any adult would want to torture anyone as entertainment. Torture was barely legal, and I would have hoped USA and UN and such would try to outlaw it and definitely refuse to practice it (I realize that there is a grey zone somewhere, but there's no grey zone in many methods). Also, I remember

Final Fantasy 7 was slightly steampunk as was 6 so it's actually pretty legit to modify the Buster Sword this way. The sheer size of the sword is impressive in and of itself.

I'm a grown-ass man whose first exposure to video games was the chainsaw in Doom, and that torture scene made me very uncomfortable. I kept trying to switch characters hoping that I could just get the information without knowing how they got it. It just seemed out of character and extreme even for the cast of

Was only a little bit irked when I saw parents picking up the game with kids last week.

So it turns an iPad into a Wii U controller?

Next Gen exploding Cacti! Wait, do buster swords cause explosions or are Cacti just naturally combustible? Who cares? Its next gen. Look at the exhaust smoke coming off of Mr. Buster Sword guy. He really had to rev his engine to swing that giant sword.

Original picture

I can't wait for someone to complain about the 16 year old boy being "too young" to play GTA.

"Entering cheat codes disables Achievements and Trophies only for the current play session."

Answer for the pending question.

Watch Dogs is going to be a substantially better-looking game for obvious reasons... it's coming out on the One/PS4, and more importantly, PC.
Saying GTA smashes it feature wise when WD isn't even out is just silly.

"Themes too immature for my tastes" followed by "I'll probably hate 50% of the content, but i read that there's a tank. That's worth the 60$".

In other news, Gamespot is on Fire right now:

Debunked already, get your shit together.