
@Ivan Lopez: Watch Gundam 00. It's got enough story to actually push the models and figurines.

Other than calling an ambulance for you (although it seems to be lacking any form of gps unit), i don't really see a point.

Slap dual tuners in it so two people can also watch 2 different channels at once, and i'm taken.

I have 5 friends with iPhones :<

Every time a company releases a device with AT&T exclusivity, I die a little inside. At least most phones today support Wifi tethering.

@MonkeyChunks: Akai Katana Shin is (close to) New Red Katana. Or if shin is used differently, Red Katana Dead/death. prolly the first one.

You need some Birth By Sleep in your life.

Chinese Phisher Gets Hundreds of Gmail Accounts Including US Government Officials*********

Oh great, what am I supposed to do with all of this chloroform now?

Color, Price, and Pokemon.

Mortal Kombat + Dead Man Wonderland = Skarlet + Many many pms jokes.

This GaGa hate...

Too many attractive women. I call bs.

Birth by Sleep?

He just disclosed his identity. He's obviously not Anon.

I buy games for multiplayer (or if they're pokemon, or for Xbox, which i would rather not be banned from yet again), otherwise, I might as well be Somalian.

@snake6778: In my opinion, that would just encourage people to pirate then crack the game for unlimited play time.

@kyphem: Depends on which perspective you view that from. The Taiwanese view themselves as sovereign, the Chinese view them as a part of China.

"If you say you are Anonymous, and do something as Anonymous, then Anonymous did it,"

@Ghostwize: Vice City and Liberty City stories did pretty well.