

@trippyliquid: your argument is also comparable to something similar to:

@zelfmoordkonijn: Thats like trying to re-use a shield with a gaping hole in it. If they don't patch up the holes where hakers could get in, there's no point to just putting the whole network back.

@TnOdyssey001: You can't play online multiplayer, or use associateed services like Netflix, Twitter, Facebook and stuff like that, but you can do everything esle I guess.

Everyone is Anon. Any specific group that claims to be Anon's face, or operative isn't anonymous anymore, which is... just silly.

Wii-nii. I'd buy one.

Can the controllers play Chao Adventure 2?

Your Kinect does this as well.

Universal (and more up to date) version, although it is in wiki form.

Goodbye unlimited data at a cheap price.

@Stalker: 1. Ghost's comment was 99.9999% likely to be a case of sarcasm.

YES! Popkart on my phone.

@Settings: He didn't pirate games. He just enabled homebrew.

POPs, but with PS2 games please.

Who pirates and attempts to connect to live?

Now I have to find my VMU with Shenmue data on it.