
When did my mother get a job at the daily mail?

saw this on facebook, love it

Excuse me?

I object! There are 22-year-old bellies that don't fit inside tube tops, and some 45-year-0ld bellies that should be displayed at every opportunity.

Men over 40 should only hear penny loafers and suspenders.

Aren't jobs for making money for your future?

Get rid of everything but the breakfast menu. McDonalds can be an all breakfast place now. The only thing I have ever wanted there are the egg mcmuffins and the hashbrowns.

Ok, ok, I agree with you on Max & Ruby, FBB, and Wubbzy. But Chuggington? Yes, I get your complaints BUT - compared to Thomas? Thomas is an Ayn Rand dystopia of British empire mentality where the only thing that can hope to be achieved is being called "A very useful engine". At least the Chuggers are treated better

This kind of happened in real life, only sort of in reverse. In 1931 bookish Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel (pronounced "Gurdel", more or less) proved that we can never know anything for sure. In particular his Incompleteness Theorems proved that within any computable axiomatic system such as arithmetic: