
They will drop you at a bus stop where you will meet a mute woman in a red poncho. She will drive you until you turn off the road, into a top-secret and remote housing unit somewhere in the wilds of Montana where women over 35 wearing crop tops and 38 year olds wearing leggings and 42 year old women in stilettos can

The sex tips may be missing, but the WEIGHT WATCHERS DIET is still there. Sigh.

"Husband Funny"... makes me think of men as hairy knuckle-draggers who still go around clubbing their missuses. "Husband funny. Ug make woman laugh. Ug say you make sandwich now, ha ha ha!"

Is that Matthew McConaghay? Looks like him.

My son is a chronic pot-misser (he's only 5), and consequently our bathroom reeks of wee. I use Nature's Miracle, an enzymatic cleaner, and coat the entire toilet area down. It's made for dog's accidents, and gets rid of poorly aiming little boy wee-smell perfectly.

No one should have to be ashamed of their sex parts.

I'm a stay at home mom because my son is autistic and if I didn't, there'd be no one to take him to therapies and provide him with the best start in life that he needs. I'm also ridiculously over educated and crawling out of student loan debt. It's not easy. Don't judge until you know the reason that mom is staying

Mmmm That's a Bear I could cozy up with on a long winter night.. except he'd expect me to drink my own wee instead of water, and eat bug shit.

I also hate anything by Little Airplane: WonderPets, 3rd and Bird (MUFFIN MUST DIE) and the Small Potatos - they're singing turds. HATE HATE HATE HATE

Ok, ok, I agree with you on Max & Ruby, FBB, and Wubbzy. But Chuggington? Yes, I get your complaints BUT - compared to Thomas? Thomas is an Ayn Rand dystopia of British empire mentality where the only thing that can hope to be achieved is being called "A very useful engine". At least the Chuggers are treated better