Those poor souls in Milan that had to work with Kanye West for a whole week.
Those poor souls in Milan that had to work with Kanye West for a whole week.
Honestly one of my favorite vibes ever was like 7 dollars and lasted about 5 years. Right now I have another cheap one and one of the really nice Lelo ones, I still reach for the cheap one more often.
No. I used to own one. It felt great, but I couldn't travel with it and couldn't keep it easily stashed in my nightstand. Using it was always a big production, because I had to dig it out of the drawer and find the right attachment.
Just a note, since you linked to EdenFantasys in your article —
No, they all look like overpriced pieces of crap. Which is why they're so annoying!
just buy a hitachi magic wand and grow up
Or just the most vulgar and out-of-touch? That's the question on my mind after reading the profile in this month's Ha…
Nigella Lawson's soon-to-be-ex husband Charles Saatchi announced this weekend that he's divorcing his wife because…
The new Grand Theft Auto V trailer was released yesterday, and I gotta admit: It looks pretty fucking fresh. There's…
On June 26, a Korean language Facebook page called "We Do Phoshop" appeared online. The site solicited Photoshop…
In an attempt to get the American public to eat something other than burritos stuffed with ice cream sandwiches…
It's summertime ladies, so the magazines and lifestyle sections are going to have a slew of reminders about making…
Chris O'Dowd is fantastic.
I had a friend who had a friend (a friend of a friend, I guess?) who luuuuurved a certain actress. She would always insist that they were kindred spirits yaddayadda. One night while this girl was at her waitressing job, this celebrity actually came in and happened to be seated in her section. They got to talking and…
I object! There are 22-year-old bellies that don't fit inside tube tops, and some 45-year-0ld bellies that should be displayed at every opportunity.
Men over 40 should only hear penny loafers and suspenders.