WTF is up with her eyes...?
WTF is up with her eyes...?
Thats not on steam? I would have though it was. Its like 2 bucks on PSN. and you can play the N64 version with an emulator on PC. All the old cheats still work too. RR Tangent Abacus!
Thats not on steam? I would have though it was. Its like 2 bucks on PSN. and you can play the N64 version with an…
i dont know what method they asked people to do (they number int eh hundreds) i was making my kid fish sticks the other day. Put down some foil. oil my cast iron and laid it face down on the rack. Then i put the baking sheet on top of that. that helped buffer the seasoning. i was already doing half that work already.…
Lots of those in bikes, especially euro sport bikes. I love em!
I had the opposite, little know-it all car prick came up to e with is group of friends and asked if there is a V8 and V6, whats that same engine with 4 cylinders. I replied, “V4.”
Please tell me you are kidding....
I love the sounds of my V6, 3rd gen eclipse commuter w/ factory exhaust. Its crisp throaty w/o sounding like a fart can. Its fantastic. Power is lacking, but its great for a daily commuter/kid picker-upper.
I might also mention that any time the rear end drifts from standard lane of travel following the path it would normally take without breaking traction, it is, by definition drifting from that path of travel....hence the term. Literally they are the same thing, one is simply more extreme.
Depends on when they got into the car scene and how they look at it. I have always seen “power sliding” as drifting and have often referred to it as such when describing how o took a corner so fast.
So glad Links Awakening was that high on the list. Well done!
This game reminds me of Genji: Dawn of the Samurai for PS2. One of my favorite PS2 games of all time (the sequel was pretty bad) I have played thought that dozens of times and still love how it felt pretty real or a sword fighting game when fighting some of the harder guys, not pions
OP was too stupid to realize that.
How about a guy just sits and talks since thats what all these people really want? I hate people who talk while they play a game, bc the only reason to watch is to learn. unless they are skilled at communicating goals and thought process, id rather they stfu and let me learn. That being said, i watched i video last…
Who cares, the only office that mattered, was Cafe Disco! Theres girls in there! (which was located in the same are, of course)
put a 118 dB Dual tone air horn on your bike and an LED bar. Thats what im doing this spring. WOLO makes a small one that ihad on my motorcycle you can power pretty well with a quick re-charge after a ride if you use a small sealed Lead/Acid. Battery, wiring, horn, relay, switch, 60 bucks retail.
Nice build
You dont even need the melting salts if you know what your doing. i make cheese sauce all the time and havent ever used it. Adding year aged gouda is the best! a roux isnt needed for any of them either.
thats pectin...
Bc all people everywhere like sweet stuff? Duh...Glad you state your opinion as fact though.