
Came here to say this. We sold it at a pizza place i worked. I brought my own bag of powdered sugar and kept the scraps of pizzas to roll up and make fried pieces out of for breakfast every morning.

I mean it, thats awesome!

Damn, 60 and still better than me at those games. I hate/respect you. IM close to beating bloodborne, but i deleted and back to pre-patch and use the glitch. Too much other frustration in real world to deal with those. This im goign to have to get though.

The bow really wasnt very far into one of the demos. I sucked at them and still got it.

dem titties!

Hurray, 10% of my HDD is Deus Ex right, wtf sony?

The I6 is my favorite layout, not question. I became partial to it in my ‘96 Jeep and the more of them i see, especially tuned, the ore i love them.


When i bought my wife her subaru it was raining the first day we drove it, and so after a stop at a local store with a large empty parking lot i pretended to pull into traffic and yanked the handbrake and did a nice figure 8. She about soiled the new subey.

Depends, for people who cant figure out that its not worth the 8 grand to go from their 55" 4k TV to the 60" this kind of thing is good.

They still work an average amount of time over a month and can then use any applicable calculation, unless you stupid.

Same here. Peopel are surprised by how much i have spent on video games. Then when you explain that, for example Skyrim PS4, 120 hrs so far at a 4 dollar cost. Im paying 33c an hr to enjoy that and it only cost half a day with average pay. the Ps3 version i have 500+hrs on get down to less than a dime an hr. now go

Aw, but egg allergy solution?

Thank you. We do ours on the stove top and add some water with it to help get the cooking part done faster and then crisp the hell our them on the bottom till they are almost black. Unbelievably good. We usually eat a pound in a night.

And you only have to drink 4.2 gallons of water for every bite to even our your electrolyte levels post dinner. Nah thanks, im actually good at cooking and dont need to sink to such lows.

Simple lesson in traction there. Also wonder if the recorder was using a trial version of their software?


I might add i have flown upwards of 2500 times in my life, so I am a little versed on air travel.

I Stopped reading this drivel when they said they got to the gate 25 minutes before departure. Ha! Anyone who flies regularly knows this is your fault and a stupid move.

I dont expect one every month, but every 6 montsh would be nice, and not a kids platformer. I remember when we got borderlands 2( we all already had it, but still nice) tomb raider and several other AAA games. after 2-3 years no one is buying anyway, give us something for what we pay for. Microsoft has a nice line-up