
I agree with you on cgi v puppets. But since cgi is still awesome. Watching jurassic Park 1 now it still amazing. They did wonders with that cgi. Sometimes I like shitty cgi, but overall real > cgi

You have to bypass windows security? So he was hacked and his the program is a cheap knockoff from North Korea full of viruses. 

Cheap gag? I'm a horse was comedy gold. Also we only saw parts of the day. Whose to say that she didn't go back to get og form in scenes not shown.

I don’t think you should feel guilty for not liking something. It’s ok. Some things are just too perfect for someone to comprehend.

It’s as plain as the Ann on eggs face.

I watched the remix over the last 2 weeks or so and when I sat down to watch more I couldn’t believeI was over half way through.

I really enjoyed this series. I’m all for more time with the db gang. I’m sad to see it end, but damn if this wasn’t a great episode. Hell I loved seeing Goku and Freiza fight together. And then when Goku was just barely breaking into super sayan. I knew how it was going to end, but damn I loved the ride. I didn’t see

This is the from the greatest scene in all of Star Wars. I need this action figure in my life.

I tend to just play whatever and switch it up. I haven’t played as long as everyone else since I recently rejoined the master race and finally bought the game. I don’t mind hanging back and playing whatever it’s needed for the team.

I think the best thing I’ve seen in the series was the 180 grind of the energy blast with the kamehameha.

I was reading the comments to find out if someone mentioned tfs. I normally listen to them play while I work. I really enjoyed the drunk streams and nuzzlocks and fallout 4.

I read something like this on today I ducked up on reddit. Some guy says he couldn’t play a game and the disk wasn’t reading. He had issues getting the disk drive to work earlier. Went to eject the disk and wouldn’t come out. They ended up tearing the console apart before everybody checking if the game was in the case.

Not Board shorts, but jeanco brand Kevin Smith jorts.

So I’m sure this drool be buried, but god tier cereal is one that off brand can’t touch. Because of this the God tier is pops (it could be lower but I don’t think there is a fake pops), Crispix because I know there isn’t an off brand, and Cheerios. Because Fuck any fake cheerios, they taste like shit.

You know, this was a great series.

One of them came true and so Trump will become the president bringing the end times with him. DAMN YOU SUPER LUNAR ECLIPSE ON THE MOST MAGICAL OF DAYS!!!!

I read a facebook comment that said something like this “I’m voting for trump because he is pro-life and for the death penalty.” I’m not combining what she said in one part of her post with something a few sentences later. It was literally one then the other.  

Still haven’t forgiven them about Hughes.

When it played on adult swim, I was away for work in a hotel for a month. I left the tv on CN overnight abd fell asleep to it. This show was a fucked up thing to wake up to at 4am. A really happy sounding song with nukes going off. I need to watch this again.

I was going to show the obligatory he man article video, but it’s in the story. It’s like Fahey doesn’t want me to comment.