
When I was in middle/high school my friends and I would pay the 64 on the weekends all night long. We’d play wcw vs nwo many times. In the game you can be a dick to a tag team partner and knock them of the ring by running into the ropes where they were standing. One time my friend Danny and I were playing as the

I think you meant POW

I am glad this isn't about shoving a thermometer up the kid's ass. I know if someone did that to me while I was mad, I'd probably calm the eff down.

I'd go a little more hardcore, if you die in the game you format your hard drive and burn down your house. Walk away from your old life and then start life again across country.

I got a m560 on clearance at best buy and I love it. I used to have the mx revolution and loved the flywheel scrolling.

I got a m560 on clearance at best buy and I love it. I used to have the mx revolution and loved the flywheel

My $14 movie ticket is when I use military discount. And this is in Dayton, OH. But I normally see IMAX 3D movies. But if it still cuts off $7 from tickets it could be worth it.

My $14 movie ticket is when I use military discount. And this is in Dayton, OH. But I normally see IMAX 3D movies.

Does your spouse know that you got all the STDs after marriage?

Chi Chi is the most powerful human. She is the only person Goku is afraid of. Plus if she can take super sayan sperm. You know that stuff has to shoot out like a kamahamaha wave.

Yoga Willitplaycrisis?

Now playing

This song needs to be played while looking at this gif.

I want to hear the full 8-bit version of where is my mind.

I never got passed the airport. I only rented the game, but I got hit with a game ending bug on the GameCube version. I'd start that airplane level and something would explode as soon as the level started and I would die only to start where the explosion happened and die. I just couldn't bring myself to try again.

I really liked path of neo and loved that bit in the game. They stopped the gameplay to say in the movie he dies and this would make for a shitty ending in a game so they choose the Japanese final form boss fight ending.

I wonder if they solve the story line in his game where someone stole his bike...

Was running 5ks before it was cool

I was almost brought to tears using the controls at a certain point. I've never had a single action do that before. I've gotten overwhelmed with games. teared up at the story. But never just using the controller to preform an action.

Keith David played Keith David in Saints Row 4

My only issue with this video is that he should've gotten a body pillow of Aerith and stabbed it...