
I believe he already talked about folding it before in another episode. He doesn't fold it because the steel he uses is already pure. Folding removed the carbon in the "pig steel" that was in japan.

I think it's not quite a direct approach from math to programming, but it is more of a way to think.

Zapper as in the NES gun? That is the BEST BUTTON EVER!!! Let me tell you why. 1st you use it to shoot ducks. F*CKING DUCKS. I hate those dicks of the animal kingdom. 2nd that sound. IT EVEN SOUNDS LIKE A F*CKING FUTURISTIC LAZER WEAPON!!! Really that alone makes it the best button ever. But Gamecube A is #2 next to

There is a balance of drunkeness to gaming. I've hit a few times in my life the perfect drunken self and can play games perfectly. But it doesn't last too long and then I drink more and get worse.

I hope the manager didn't get fired because he didn't sign up the robbers for the rewards program/magazine.

I played SR4 and it was just absolute fun. I love challenging games and I love RPGs with deep stories and rich characters. But sometimes I just want to dismantle a flying rocket headed toward the USA while Aerosmith plays. If that 1st part of the game didn't hook you, then it wasn't your type of game.
I didn't play

Never cried at that. To me the horse was barely a character in the film. He was there in the begining and then died. I had no reason to care for the horse. Still don't. Fuck that guy for being a pussy and giving up.

Again. It isn't stealing in any sense. Not morally or legally. It's like if you donate a coat to goodwill. I buy that coat and find a $20 bill in the pocket. I didn't steal your $20. Goodwill has no right to say that $20 is ours.

By your logic. It is stealing if I send you something and you don't send it back or pay me for it. The reason the law is like that is do stop that from happening. You didn't order it so it is basically a present. It's not stealing in any sense. It may have been a mistake and people can return by their own free will,

I know no one will ever see this, but the 1st game that got me was Golden Sun 2. I played golden sun then 2 after I finished 1. The ending to 2 isn't sad in the least from what I remember. But the main characters home town was destroyed in 1 and everyone was thought to be dead. But when you beat he game and it has

I feel the burn.

I see what you did there.
Edit: I did kinda chuckle. So I am probably going to hell for it, esp since I'm from there.

God yes. I need to call up my local "rock" station and cuss them out. I hate the song because it isn't rock. If I was listening to the popish/rockish station and I heard it, I'd be ok. I can understand mumford and sons on the channel since it's kinda rockish... (if you do like the "older" rock find bluegrass versions

It's weird for me. If I focus on a single aspect it looks real, but once I see the whole thing I could see it as cgi. It is fantastic work though.I'm not sure what it is though. I could see a face and it looks real. I could see the hair and it looks real. But all together it's just off. I blame the lack of a soul.

I hear big iron about 5 times a row on Fallout New Vegas. (I'm late to playing it)

I look here and it's leo. I look at the city and it's a T-Rex. EFF it's one of those old lady young rabbit pictures.

So is this the sequel to crackdown that we deserve? The game sounds like it from your review. I loved crackdown and basically becoming a superhero. I loved it even more with the free for all add on. I'm thinking about picking up the 3rd one with all the dlc or this one. What should I get first?

So is this the sequel to crackdown that we deserve? The game sounds like it from your review. I loved crackdown and basically becoming a superhero. I loved it even more with the free for all add on. I'm thinking about picking up the 3rd one with all the dlc or this one. What should I get first?

Borderlands 2 is not the lowest price ever. I purchased the game for $10 about a month ago on x-box live.

Happy birthday?