
Fixing weapons would only really work if it was like in The Witcher where you can fix the weapons yourself to keep that flow going instead of having to stop by a village repeatedly. My take is that I’d rather keep breakable weapons because it forces you to think outside of the box and use what’s at your disposal

Eh, rather than fix weapons I do wish it was easier to pick up some specific weapons. Like, a wandering weapon trader or something. That being said, I found that if you accept that no particular weapon is important and that you’ll always find something else to use while you’re running around, the system works real

The question isn’t whether breakable weapons in BotW are good or not (they are) or whether motion controls in Skyward Sword are good or not (they are imprecise inputs for a precise system). The question is whether those functions are crucial to the gameplay loop of their respective games, which they are. They can’t be

Yes. Leave the mechanic in the game so you still have to plot out your weapon use, but have a method of repairing weapons that includes a cost that balances out so you aren’t just fixing one sword all the time.

I’d be down with this option. I mean, you do collect crafting materials in the world after all.

I agree with you on cgi v puppets. But since cgi is still awesome. Watching jurassic Park 1 now it still amazing. They did wonders with that cgi. Sometimes I like shitty cgi, but overall real > cgi

Farscape had its ups and downs as a series, but it’s aged a lot better than just about any of its peers, and there’s a lesson there: a puppet may look goofy when you film it, but it will look exactly as goofy, no more and no less twenty years later, whereas 20 year old CGI compositing will look like complete and total

This article is bullshit. Literally nobody has ever been “blasted” with a Klobb. “Missed by” a Klobb often, “tickled” occasionally.

“It’s me. I’m a horse.”

Fixed that for ya.

It’s as plain as the Ann on eggs face.

I watched the remix over the last 2 weeks or so and when I sat down to watch more I couldn’t believeI was over half way through.

Sure shou-shou-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shoo-shuh-shu-sh-sh-sh-shu-shuh-sh-shoo-sh-sh-sh-shou-shuh

Android 17 MVP.

I was hoping for any of the ridiculous runs by ManyATrueNerd.

I actually enjoy a lot of the Achievement Hunter and Let’s Play GTA V series

There is no Team Four Star, thus your list is meaningless.

Not a single Many A True Nerd LP? Uh-oh...

Now playing

I don’t know why but I am LIVID that you didn’t use the Japanese opening to DB Kai......