
#NOTOUCHING #ijustbluemyself #poppopintheattic #imoscardotcom #imnoscardotcom #HelLo #chickensdontclap

I would start tweeting those damn hash tags just to make sure TV knows I love it. Looks like I'm tweeting #theresalwaysmoneyinthebananastand about 20x a day now

they are worth thousands, depending on what window you throw them through

I don't think it was an a amateur's hands. Guns can do lots of things. It can help provide for a family or take a families life. Guns are a constitutional right. We will always need some form of weapons to protect ourselves until we get to a point in human civilization when we all join hands in harmony.

I just try to keep it to my phone. As long as no one tries to brows on it... But you need to be careful about linking your phone and web browser because it will come up on the pc if you aren't careful on your phone

I'm waiting for 13/13/13 But beware the Smarch weather

You did the gallery view before then went back to a single page and now back please go to the single page. It's much easier to look through.

So glad I'm not the one to mention it. But it was a funny show. I need to go watch the last episode though. God I feel creepy watching a teen show when I'm a grown ass adult. Also Victorious grew on me. But I'm an equal opportunity creep and watch big time rush as well.

Ha, My password is BruceWayne, Batman's SECRET identity. No one will ever figure it out

I'm not sure if it meets the criteria, but I liked the end to Journey Man. I'm not sure if they just shoe horned in an ending or not, but I'd have loved a season 2 of that but for the brief season we got it was good and had a nice ending.

fuck you it's pop

Maybe they should shop in the iPhone into her mouth with verizon plastered across her chest.

I had some of the glass stink bombs in high school. At my High school everyone would have to stay in the commons area before going into the school part itself in the morning. Me and my friends stood at the front of the crowd and threw them down as soon as the bell rang and walked away.

So if my wife says mouth babies isn't natural, I can point her to this frog. Thanks nature

I lol'd

That was one of the greatest previews ever I think. Just watching the bank job was awesome. It kept you held and made you want to see more.

Dear Nestle, Hershey is better. In all things. They are made in good old USA and have millions of gay guys who love the hershey highway. What gay sex acts, or even straight sex acts are named after Nestle? The Nestle Noggie? That doesn't even sound like fun.

I'm a an android fan boy and I admit it. I personally wouldn't want any apple products. But this is something I might consider if it was cheap enough. While some people don't see a need for it, I do. I'd prefer to have a larger 10" nexus. But with this, then all the 7" android tablets will need to add more polish and

for $50 I would buy one

I never knew about the for tomorrow one, but that is awesome. I'd prefer them becoming a monster over blowing up or adding a face.