

May the schwarz be with you?

I was wondering that myself too. I don't remember seeing any from the profile pics.

You looking at the same image as I am? You know how the cartoon works? Bugs pulls out the apple logo. That means it's Apple season. Apple should be shot.

sounds like something an AI would say...

How do you know that just you are in a simulation. Make the appearance that the world is doing things and everything that person interacts with will need to be simulated and everything they can see. But other then that, nothing else needs to be computed. And I'm going to take it that all replies to my statement is

but does one simply mail it to Mordor, with a mordor stamp?

I have seen and purchased 6 foot micro usb and usb extension cables from Dollar Tree. Guess how much those were.

It was an ok show. I didn't expect much going into it, but didn't get disappointed. I'm just wondering if you are bashing 3rd rock though. I loves me some 3rd rock.

Could I Kentucky this up or Tennessee?

I already posted this in someone's replay, but just in case people want to cry http://animalcrossingtragedy.ytmnd.com/ it gets me every damn time.

In case you haven't had a good cry today http://animalcrossingtragedy.ytmnd.com/ Sad thing about it for me is that I could've seen my mom do this. It was a game she would've played too.

Ok so the snakes got rid of the brids. Shouldn't the lizards do that? I thought the snakes were there to kill the lizards. But Guam has a problem. You bring in the snake eating gorillas, but there is no winter to kill them off O_o

Was there a warrant for the info? If not I don't see how the judge could pull any of this info. I see it like e-mail or a diary. If you are asking for the info then the answer should be no and they can't do jack about it. But once they get the warrant they have to comply.

on sprint you can text upgrade to 1311 and it will tell you

I thought that distilled water doesn't "boil." Well it doesn't bubble because there are no impurities in it. But you add a spoon to that and BOOM water all over you. It was on the myth busters. I know they aren't the bastions of science, but its true.

I have one, but it's from the 4th Oh well

If I was ever hit with something like this. I'd just stop working and live off the system. Simple as that. If all my money was going to the RIAA I'd have no reason to work so I'd just stop. They can't do anything with food stamps.

Why not include the Army of Darkness pit scene. Not the fight with Ash, but where they throw the other guy in and then a fountain of blood shoots out.

My physics teacher did this with lighter fluid. We didn't have an experiment, he just thought it was cool. Also one day he hooked up a hose to our gas line and put some water in a sink. he added dish soap then put the end of the gas tube into the water. It made gas bubbles he then lit on fire.