I bet Bruce will be the Chin Man and Ted can be a flying monkey
I bet Bruce will be the Chin Man and Ted can be a flying monkey
She where does Bruce Cambell fit in?
I'd rather have the EVO as well because I loved the OG EVO and the new one is just awesome.
The biggest thing sprint has going is the unlimited Data. It's basically the cheapest plan for data users. I have 1500 mins on my fam plan, but might use 100 mins a month. But unl text and data is what I use. I could use 1000+ texts a month, but data I go way past what other networks offer. Sure I could use wifi at…
I'm sticking with sprint. I love the unlimited too much. I hate the speeds and really want my damn 4g. If I would switch to another network sure I would be blazing, but I'd be blazing to 2-5 GB then nothing for the rest of the month. While sprint I can just turtle right along for as much as the network will give me.
Well take some vitamins and just for your vitamins then drink heavily after a bit. It's the binge and purge for the people who don't like to stick a finger down their throat.
no it doesn't taste like shit...becuase ios is shit.
This sounds like a paid promotional advertisement that I'd see chef tony promote.
In the context of friends yes. Being gay itself is not bad. I'm for the use of that's gay as a term for that is bad. And even the most modern guys will still have friends where you call them gay to insult them. The act of being gay is not bad nor is man on man love. But part of my vocab is slinging you're gay. I also…
They would be a "sstraight" man, but want the penis. In terms of making fun of your friends, they would "love the cock and be gay." I'm using the correct troll version of gay.
So if I see a friend drinking a lot I can tell him that anymore drinks and he's scientifically gay? Awesome!!
Even editors can double post... #goingtomakecommentlongerandhop...
I think my ice is best. Mostly because My work has an ice maker and I get free ice by the bag if I need it.
I'm too lazy to look at the making of right now, but I hope it is 96 minutes of the camara man holding the camera.
It is simple. Pacts with the devil is normally the easist explanation. Now the real question was did the yard sell guy have a copy of Majora's Mask for sale?
As long as it's on Fox so if it's great it will last 13 episodes with only 7 playing. If it's terrible it will last forever.
Personally I think it was all a dream. The dream of Dan Schneider. Having had enough of the kids shows, he breaks down and starts to write a cruel story where basically a man must choose between wife or son.
Occams Razor people. The simplest explanation is that the uncle, on his death bed or the night before when he realized he was going to die the next day, made up a will. In his will he specified that a friend will take a photo of him and shove it into a polaroid camera. The friend will keep the camera and only bring it…