
My biggest question in this is why was KY getting it's weed imported from the big city? I thought KY's biggest cash crop was weed.

Casey Shaggy wouldn't touch that sammich. damn veggies trying to infiltrate cartoon.

OLD!!! and by old I mean this was posted on this site before last year I think. I do remember this because it really was freaky. This time with known faces it seems more cartoony then HOLY SHIT THAT MONSTER HAS 1 HUGE EYE!!!

Just wanted to throw my penis into the ring, but maybe because Fathers Day is in june and normal Fathers Issues are stuff go around that time. Just like how May has Mothers Day and normal love your mom stuff shows that month.

Still rocking the non-timeline profile. HAHAHA

I find it was much better with the music on the OG video that was posted here. But still awesome.

I'm not in love with the stuff, but I like it. Too much can kill anything for me though. It's just an overpowering taste for me.

splitsider did a feature on Leno not being evil.

I'm very angry about this website. I'm angry that I didn't know about it until it shut down. Is there anything like this, other then /b/ when they have the threads that do the same thing?

What about the good side to getting the worms? You can play the Holophoner, get smart, and win leela's affection.

The top guy looks like Steve-O shoving something up his ass, in a jet

damn it, and I was just about to invest millions into the cloning of myself. Now how will I steal hundreds of dollars?

hmmm so I should clone myself and make him my twin brother, get him into a happy and fruitful life, figure out his facebook password, log in at a internet cafe, rob them of their hundreds of dollars, my "twin" gets taken to jail.

I'm pretty sure they posted a story on this a while ago, but it could have been IO9. I'm thinking back in feb.

I'm glad we are starting to hit the year 2004, technology wise.

She did what superman never could. Walk again.

Wouldn't it make all the other horses run? Just put a pony by the start of the race.

Yeah this movie was awesome. I need to see it again in the theaters. I think Hulk did steal the show. Cap was good, but I feel they still under used him. In Cap America he really didn't kick much ass. He did more in this film, but didn't really feel his strength. Black Widow kicked more ass then Cap. And once we get


This makes me happy for the Evo 4G LTE. I've kept my old evo and even could've upgraded back in feb. Evo seems to pretty much fix the faults of the One X out of the box.