I wish this was in Indy, I'm jones'in for that cake.
I wish this was in Indy, I'm jones'in for that cake.
I use a local convience store chain when I do transactions. Mostly because I work for said chain and have access to the cameras.
That is one way to avoid being screwed.
I hear that they want to add a time line. You can see if the whore has been using the same photo since 2006 or not.
Dear current high school students.
This sounds interesting, I must purchase one and try it out. If it works I can buy me a coors pony keg.
Talk about the consumerist shrink ray.
While that is a good idea. I was referancing a movie, where Jason Biggs is the pie fucker.
It was at least 8 mins ago
So basically god damned hipsters ruin everything. Can we stop hating on everyone but hipsters then?
This was linked in the article.
There are 2 things that Zack needs to do with the new movie. Superman must punch a horse. Right in it's god damned horse face. Then he should get the actor for Nuclear man into his costume and have superman punch him too.
I don't need to see a movie of Peter Sellers being tortured for 2 hours.
they forgot the hands holding open the goatse...
I liked prototype when it first came out. It was a fun game too. If I still had some form of system I would get this. Damn life making me sell things.
I lol'd. I was thinking that the end was going to be that. But great production values for a spoof short.
My 1st BBS that I dialed into was run by a friend of my Brothers. It was called Stargate BBS. I remember playing Barney Splat, LORD and other games. This takes me back.