As far as multiplayer games go, Goldeneye is one of the best. How many people still pull out Call of duty 2 or 3 and play that when 4 is out? Halo 3 is probably still out there. But how many people still own a 64 just to play goldeneye or the better Perfect Dark.
Hmm 714 episodes of the power rangers? I think I need to get a prime membership.
I am hella stressed, or should be. but I could look at it and it wouldn't move at all. now if I moved my eyes or blinked it would move. Personally I like to make it move so you look right into the center and slightly shift your eyes.
there is only the Chork, or spork.
10 for 10, what do I win?
y u no like Kahlua? I think it is a pretty versatile ingredient in may mixed drinks, Also need some Bailey's. Man that is good stuff. I need to build up my bar, but by the time it comes to buy the next bottle, I just finished the 1st that I purchased.
If it was gay porn, a lot.
I love this show. It is rather funny and it has people I care about, kinda. Also Penny is hawt.
just like how on southpark, the simpsons did it, for here MythBusters did it!
I own a double pack of fallout already, but I'm getting the free download. This way I know the game will play on my pc.
I had a charizard. I need to find my cards. They were not mint. I played with the bastards.
In times when you need to use a knife and talk to someone? I use my knife-wrench all the time.
I can upgrade at any time, but I knew that a new EVO was going to come out. I can not wait for this phone. I love my evo and it still does great. If I get board I just flash a new rom. I love the sense 3.0 roms, but new Evo can't get here fast enough.
I forgot my /s tag, but I do think it is time to update magneto in the next round of reboots. It does make him a tragic character in the universe that he was a Holocaust survivor, but he should be approaching 70+ now. But I do agree with you. I think they need to keep him as the product of a survivor of genocide.
Next they will try to make spider-man black
damn Vanilla speculators causing the price of vanilla to go up.