
But what if you want to show people your junk? Be all like "Oh no you scrolled to far...you like? You can see it up close if you want."

won't someone think of the kids?

You dun goofed

Danny Glover should do it.

I run my shift's pool too. I normally do a ticket per drawing thing and will roll that into the next drawing. We have only broken even just once over the 2 years but won some money here and there where everyone would get $.25 or something like that.

Dicks? I've only seen operation ren****r

Then it's sexy?

I thought marvel went through the other lego company. Not lego but I think knex or something.

I think I get it. You know that old big brother commercial where today apple would be big brother? Well it's wrong. A bunch of other companys will be big brother and eventually phones will be so big they will be huge and have some guy talking to a bunch of other guys. Then some woman will come in and throw a hammer

Hey you put a touch screen on one side and make that phone part usable, you have a deal. BTW I'm tot ally a hipster, I like Whitney Houston because she is so underground now.

12. Cut in X into one ball and again on the opposite side. Do this to about 4-5 balls. Put a nylon rope and knot off at each ball so they stay in place, maybe making about 5 inches between balls.

So they copied Zelda 2?

fake liking something is maybe ok. As long as maybe it is something you could enjoy or just want to seem a little cooler. My female exroommate would lied about her age to make it so she is was the same age as me. My mom died before we met and so her biological mom committed suicide. No proof for anything.

This sentiment can be applied to anything people have a hobby/obsession with. The people may know a little on the subject and then if you like it they are totally into it too.

Biodome was awesome. Pauly Shore. A baldwin. Tenacious D!!!

I personally own and purchased Mac and Me on dvd. I have watched it several times and enjoy that Ronald McDonald is fine with showing that it is nothing more then a McDonalds commercial with aliens. I love this great commercial/movie. I think it is the 2nd best Commercial/Movie. #1 is the Wizard.

Book 1: Water

relevant site

They accidentally a can of coke. The whole thing too.

I hate retarded fire. It burns strong, but also green.