but I don't want to make Apfelwein, I just want to buy it. Is it sold in the states? I had it when I went to Germany about 10 years ago and I want more damnit!
but I don't want to make Apfelwein, I just want to buy it. Is it sold in the states? I had it when I went to Germany about 10 years ago and I want more damnit!
I love this video and all his other ones now. Doug is awesome. And Bill Nye!
used or new?
Just more proof that naked ladies will give you viruses on the computer, on your phone, and real life.
I loled. laughed out loud.
Clip pulled. I didn't get to see it.
but how can he be banned when there is no "user was banned for this post" on his name? Also if you check him out, he still has a star.
yeah, but I do remember reading it like 5 times before I got it. It's been a while since I've read the book, but I swear it was just like he fell through. hit by a curse doesn't mean dead, just hurt or something. And yes all those things would have been good in the movie. Just make Harry Potter played by Bruce…
Personally I think Sirius Black got the shaft. I didn't even know he died until someone said it, in the book I think. He didn't get a curse in the chest or save harry from a sword or something, he just fell through a doorway. Just a "Right-O, I guess I'll be on my way then. Whoops."
Those mothers aren't hiding. They practice an extreme but flamboyant style of Islam!
But the difference is that with Sam's posts you don't see many #trollpatrol tags along with User was banned. Unlike a certin son of god's posts.
A friend who did this said with purchase. That's where the fat cats from Wendy's get you.
Stupid people will be stupid. I saw a Red+Yellow combination being used when I was in Germany that worked pretty well.
Is it a face of "this is the best thing I have taken a drink of all day?" Because that is my face when I drink whiskey.
But it is a search no matter how you look at it. If I want to show off whats in my pockets I'll waive it around. If I don't want people seeing what I have on me I'll put it in my pocket. You make the scanner seem like a magic device that only detects guns. It can look into more then just guns.
No, but it is the same thing. Police will see someone with a gun and stop them. Doesn't matter if it is legal or not. Yes they do have a gun on them and they could be dangerous. I will not deny that fact and it will give you the illusion of safety. But the police have just searched you without cause and without a…
Because this is excessive and intrusive. Please tell me the contents of your pockets, backback, purses, cabnets, fridge, closets, bags, glovebox, address, credit card numbers, cell phone, trunk, and anything else that you may poses. Are you going to tell me no? What if I'm a police officer just walking up to every…
If I was walking by a metal detector, then I am probably at a place that doesn't allow guns. I wouldn't have a gun in that place. If I am legally allowed to have a gun in an establishment that also has a metal detector then I'd have it on me and walk on through. How would you like to have to walk through a metal…