
But there should be no reason for a cop to search me. This is all it is a search. I have a coat and clothes on for a reason. If you are so concerned for legal guns, then go outside nude. If you have nothing illegal on you, there is no reason not to be nude. If I talked to a cop and he had a reason for wanting to talk

Hey you look mexican, show me your papers or go back to mexico. If you have your papers there is no issue looking mexican.

I don't care how "safe" it makes me. This is bas and very wrong on all fronts. Airports are bad enough. But just walking down the street. No. I would make it a point to carry a cast iron toy gun on me at all times and refuse to talk to the bastards. You need to change your avatar and make it a guy bent over. You might

They are in a round about way. Without reddit, they have no way to get their own news to reblog about. /sarcasm

Rupert can use twitter? I thought he could only send messages via autogyro to the king of Siam.

But how can I club them if they all die before I get to them? Won't someone think of the Clubers!!!

I'm pretty sure they found a mummy in texas. He was sucking the souls out of old people's ass holes. Black JFK and Old Elvis fought the bastard.

So do all terrorists have Broca's Aphasia, because all I hear is Durka Durka Durka Jihad Durka. /sarcasm

Homer asking if something was a bicentennial lemon party was the highlight of the episode. Also he apologized to sam adams for not liking his winter lager. This was by far one of the best episodes this century. And I am suprised that it took till friday for Giz to say something about steve jobs.

he did die during a south park season. I was waiting for something and it never came.

I personally like to think that Moby has a gun.

I add some js and zs to my heart attack sounds so I get a lots oh points. I save that bitch for triple letter and word squares.

Do you think there is a patent on how to file a patent? If I could patent that I can sue every other patent holder for using my patent without giving me some money.

I for one applaud Reddit for doing this. And in the process of going down for 12 hours, most of the news sites will have to find their own new or basically shut down for 12 hours as well since they can't get stories to post. So I say to you Gawker, since you will already be down for 12 hours, will you join the fight

Slap Braclets are back, but not in pog form. Everyone remember Pogs? They are back, in Alf form.

Oh god, Why is snape commenting on drunk harry's eyes. It explanes so much.

I as about to replay that you missed the /sarcasm that I didn't apply, but your last line makes me think you read it.

I was about to mention it. I loved watching it on SciFi channel. Remember when we had a scifi channel?

All these puns are a load of carp!

Where is the crosspost from fleshbot tag?