Maybe instead of paying money to hire a booth babe, they jusy have there execs come in loaded off their ass and provide entertainment.
Maybe instead of paying money to hire a booth babe, they jusy have there execs come in loaded off their ass and provide entertainment.
No if they show a music video or a trailer at times there will be tons of comments about not available in your country.
Hey, Simpsons last night was probably one of the funniest episodes I've seen in years. I still enjoy the showm but when I hear "What is this a bicentinneal Lemon Party?" out of homers mouth, I know it is a great episode.
This is totally faked. I can tell by the pixels and his spidy sense reaction.
Damn mudbloods. Can't leave the purebloods alone.
I personally blame swype for that. No I am posting from a pc atm, but our comes up so often that I guess I mentally made sure I don't use that word ever. Much like the word Getty, I don't know what it is, and I want it gone from my dictionary, but I can't do that.
Everyone knows that if Jesus wrote this article, you would see "user was banned for this post" on most the comments. Or #trollpatrol
Of course this is more important then the iPad. What can the iPad do that waffle's and chicken can't do?
I watched Diners Drive In's and Dives that had a place that had Bacon waffles.
People go to CES for the gadgets. If they really want those booth babes, then it is to the other convention in town. You get to see a lot more there.
I heard tales of my Dad's dog that would watch Lasie then look off the tv when Lasie was running out of frame, then get confused.
I know how it is. I'm waiting to see what the next Evo will be. I love my OG Evo and it is still chugging along. I have had slowness issues, but that could be the sense 3.0 with the 3d stuff and at time random apps, but overall it hasn't really had something it can't run. Takes great photos. With my Shooter 3D rom it…
I'm all for people drinking their whiskey however they want. But the only 2 things this should ever touch is the glass and your lips. I will cut you if you drink this stuff and place even a single drop of water in it or even try a chaser. God help you if you chase it. This is the single most execellent thing I have…
These don't cover everyone. I still see "Where is the technology in this post? Why do I even read Giz?" Wait I think that might be the self punisher. I do that too, but at home and alone.
The rider is wearing a bowler hat. Really this is a tank of Gentlemen. It's for the refined class that wants to kick some ass.