I hope there is a best memes from 2011 for gizmodo. I still like the cigar guy. He is #1 in my book.
Where is the beef in that photo. It's not a taco if there isn't any meat. I never took mexican in high school, but I'm pretty sure Taco means meat. I think vegitarian means Puta. So that would be a walking Puta.
I've been wanting to try this since I first saw this tip on here.
Best of 2010 tag?
Speed Racer was awesome on blue ray with an LCD tv. It was bright vivid eye candy. Enjoyable eye candy. I don't see all the hate for the movie.
It's a little known fact that penisi are one of the easiest shaped to draw, along with the circle.
I didn't go through all the comments but I didn't see anyone ask why it was in the chimney. I know on my mom's side of the family we would write letters to santa about what we wanted then put them in the fireplace (with a fire going). I don't think I ever hear of someone else doing it before, but never thought…
I approve of this action.
I loves me some old navy fleece. It's one of the only items from old navy I buy and wear. Only the pullover hoodies or the old pull over shift with a collar and a zipper that only goes mid chest. I need to find some of those.
I am so creeped out right now I don't know what to do.
9gag created all of those memes. (kidding because I have never been on 9gag for more then 2 seconds and I know there is a "war" like there is a war with a random site at any other time on 4chan) Rules 1&2 blah blah, this doesn't apply because this isn't a raid blah blah.
They are licensed. Just go to the bunny ranch.
My thoughts exactly. I thought it was to say you were looking at gadgets, but go and look at Gidget.
I for one am for the WBC. Not for what they protest and how and why, but the fact that they can legally. But when they die or when someone snaps, I think the world will be a better place. It was the same with Osama, the world is better without him. Same with KJI, the world is slightly better without him. So if…
Hey he had friends in Iran and Saddam.
Sounded too much like John Mayer, but the video itself is awesome.
I use wondows XP because it is still damn fine, and also it's because my work uses it. I use Win 7 at home though.
Sequel isn't as good, Crazy jewish girl who lied all the time. Though I did finally end up with a high school girlfriend who left me for my best friend (in high school).
I thought that if you touched a baby octipus, it's mother would reject it.