
No instruction needed, just let me show you how to use it first.

Or instead of paying $2 on the android app you sign up for latitude for free.

I swear in the episode he says he is 70%. It's how he is mostly intact.

Lucky bastard. I got in with the 1st futurama referance, but my photo didn't take.

Bender is 70% Dolomite.

I didn't know the dad is dead. But man I got some of his saying on my phone through instant buttons app for android. I'm not pushing it, just wanted to be specific. That was an interesting week.

I once had some Sake that had some sort of white goop in it. It was horrible and was salty. I purchased it from the class 6 on a base so I know it wasn't bodily fluids...but I wouldn't put it past the Japanese.

No Teddy Ruxpin? He could read you a story. I am glad there are no furbys or the new dancing robot things.

I took regular calc and in high school. I got the highest grade in the class. Easiest math class I ever took. Deriving is the simplisest thing ever. The actual formula is the suck, but the shortcut is the easy.

Sony Ericsson Motivate Optimus Prime

They always used it for Cornflicker. Check out the cornflicker posts.

That was pretty cool looking, but why is frodo a puppet?

I used to use a non-flip dump phone. The kaypad locked, but you could dial 911 on it. One day at work I heard a loud ringing in my pants. You know the kind. Well I tried to get the phone out in time to hang up but by then I heard 911 what's your emergency. I told them my phone pocket dialed them and I am fine. They

If you view as one page the italics fix themselves. Too bad the italians don't do the same. (please note I don't hate italians, I was just making a horrible joke so please don't have me offed or wacked, wacked off is fine.)

I got one from my mother in law. My father in law (dead) had 3 of them and she gave me his shave kit. I use these when I have some time and they are wonderful. Not to hard to learn and it shaves pretty nicely.

You must now leave this site, you are banned until you watch the Goonies. It is the best thing from the 80's. I think your star should be taken away as well...and given to me.

Wait, so let me get this straight, you have a coma person who takes a sleeping drug to wake up. Personally if I was in that state and was told I was given a sleeping pill that causes me to do things and not remember them and hallunicate, I'd probably think that reality is a dream and I just need to wake up.

If I had a farm I would personally just yell to all the animals, "If you do not want to die and be eaten, please speak up. English only though." I think if they wanted to live they would learn the language.