Rio - come for the Zika, stay for the kidnapping.
Rio - come for the Zika, stay for the kidnapping.
I’d rather vote Zapp than Trump.
The NRA is a civil rights organization??? It may be considered that by some people NOW however prior to the 70's it was absolutely not. It was about sportsmanship and safety...not keeping the government from taking your guns. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that she is being kinda misleading about that “fact”.
Gas-lighting at it’s best. It’s like hearing my NPD father tell my mother he “can’t believe she would think he’s an alcoholic, or had a problem” and that she was crazy for thinking it, right after he was arrested for a DUI, blowing twice the legal limit. Making you think you’re the problem for thinking there’s a…
It’s classic double-speak. He implies that people can or should assassinate Clinton (or her appointees), so those with murderous fantasies can have wet dreams about it, but also leaves it juuuust vague enough to weasel his way out if someone calls him on it.
Isn’t this classic gaslighting, favorite tool of bullies and abusers everywhere? “I didn’t really say that, you’re making stuff up in your oversensitive head, WHY SO SERIOUS”
It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.
Yeah those stories are really telling because he reverts to some emotionally stunted 10 year old when he really gets called out because you are not playing the game his way.
I’ll go further than that, I believe he’s a malignant narcissist (or narcissistic sociopath), and that malignant narcissists increasingly seem to occupy many [if not most] of the top positions within the GOP. Birds of a feather...
If not for that middle sentence I would swear you were referring to Goodell...
Donald Trump: So full of shit, he makes the NFL look like a credible organization.
It's not a lie if you believe it.
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a…
Oh nineties...
Oh good. I looks like the check cleared.
IOC decides against dying of polonium 210 poisoning.
He has no desire to govern, that is obvious. But he wants to run this country like his businesses: which means, hand the real work off to someone else, while he promotes himself and grabs as much money as possible. Lewendosky gave that hint several months ago when he said that he needs to choose a VP who will do the…
I’ve been saying that for months. All the reports out there that Trump might resign if he wins confirm it, IMHO. I think the Clintons subtly encouraged him to run, thinking not that he’d win but that he’d fuck up the primary for the GOP and destroy their brand (and if true, my respect for the Clintons and their…
What’s worse is that the zoomed out view of the picture shows her pulling the salute against a giant picture of trump’s face in the background