
Christian values, such as being on his 3rd wife and wanting to bang his daughter!

...and once again, I see those aborted fetus photos and think, “those don’t look human at all.” Which I think is the opposite of what they want me to think.

( 1 You can’t walk into the convention

These women are badasses.

Yeah, she blames Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi attack but gives a total pass to the Republican congress who refused, on multiple occasions, to authorize additional resources to the embassy that could have prevented this. Just incredible.

Watching this it just dawned on me “can you image grandpa blaming FDR or IKE for being attacked during the Battle Of The Bulge?”

An unzipped fly was the least of my problems with that presentation.

Replying to show that I understood what you meant... and it has nothing to do with killing people.

They’re content to picket funerals for the media coverage. If they stopped getting media coverage, they wouldn’t stop picketing funerals, they’d just move on to something worse.

Considering this entire “church” is made up of a single extended family (for the most part), I’m pretty sure he meant its only a matter of time, a generation at most, before this church (and probably others like it) simply cease to exist because their limited membership has died off from old age and no new converts to

They’re fucking simps. They’ll go away on their own because they die out and no one will replace them.

I have a feeling they meant through the spread of knowledge, not marching them all at gunpoint into the sea.

Get rid of could also mean “Use a loophole to revoke non-profit status whereby they’re sued out of existence.” It doesn’t have to mean physical violence.

I’m going to guess the implication was that they would just disappear naturally, not banning or executing them or whatever drove your outrage.

No, non-profit fair use

They do too, you know how sweet that lawsuit would be?

I think WBP is somewhat protected, since it’s a not-for-prophet organization.

I chose you Copyright laws!

If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.