
Some of the stadiums FIFA had built in Brazil won’t be reused, since they’re in the middle of nowhere. It’s like they’re in a competition of their own to see which org can be more corrupt and wasteful.

All rise for Judge Bubbles

It isn’t. It reduces competition and favors incumbent services that can pay the biggest bribes (or that are owned by the carrier). If an ISP doesn’t treat all data packets of a given size equally (or net neutral) it’s undermining a core principle of the Internet.

The article really isn’t meant for you, since you clearly know what’s going on. These days, the purpose of these articles is to address the denialist holdouts in the hope that one or two of them reading will come to their senses.

Is there a gospel where it turns out that Jesus was sent in deliberately by the Roman religious authorities to deliberately undermine a competing religion? The Book of St. Elop, perhaps?

Relying on Facebook for news seems like a step backward to 1992, when AOL and Compuserve and similar “walled gardens” services were the only online news options for most users. The main difference being that the newsfeed now includes regular messages from elderly bigoted relatives (or at least so I hear: never joined

We need a Monster Manual entry for the surprisingly powerful Greedy Orange Troll.

It must be an amazing thing, to be able to sleep at night after empowering so many monstrous people.

The (very funny) joke science of “Idiocracy” aside, right there with you. In 21st century America, you have to feel bad for the people who feel they have no other choice but to reproduce (due to poverty or ignorance or duty to supernatural forces) or think that it’s some kind of amazing accomplishment.

It a con game however you look at it. That the marks are damaged or entitled or greedy or pathetic doesn’t make the guy taking advantage of them any less of a grifter.

Desperate people prone to magical thinking and a sense that they’re entitled to happiness are alway prime prey for self-aggrandizing con men like this. See also the prospective GOP candidate for President.

It takes imagination and talent to visit the salad bar at Applebees to take the pulse of Real Americans(tm) or to discover the font of geopolitical wisdom that is the International Brotherhood of Cabbies Who Drive Me from the Airport to the 5-Star Hotel. That kind of talent costs money, my friend.

Sounds a lot like how the Cheney administration approached Iraq.

The structures in the Constitution, however wise (checks and balances) or flawed (the electoral college) don’t have any bearing on how the parties choose their nominees. A party can put rules in place as it likes, and one would hope that those rules will be applied equally to all candidates for a nomination.

It doesn’t prove anything and isn’t meant to. It’s an example of how kids can be a closing point even in a marriage that isn’t a closing point in and of itself. That particular marriage might have continued post-kids instead of ending in divorce, but it would not have been a happy one.

Exactly. Sanders and his BernieBros need to understand that Dems will no longer stand for things like closing corporate tax loopholes, re-regulating the banks, investing in public infrastructure, promoting universal health insurance and education, reforming campaign finan...

Oh, wait, you said “liberal,” not

“Hey everybody, we’re all gonna get laid!”

As the story goes, a studio boss in the 1940s was asked by a reporter what his big new movie was about. The mogul replied: “It’s about two movie stars falling in love, same as all the other pictures.”

The amateur grifters can be entertaining, too, in their incompetence.