
I took “real” to mean “professional” instead of some rando who does it part-time. Lots of full-time professional con artists out there (NASCAR favorite Drumpf comes to mind).

He wasn’t saying prayer is bad, although it can be destructive to depend mainly on appeals to an invisible man to solve one’s problems. Plus, as George Carlin said, if someone believes in God it’s kind of rude to constantly be bugging Him for stuff.

In the U.S. at least there are certain venues where public prayer is

I feel where you’re coming from about Clinton, but Virginia isn’t one of those solidly blue states when you can count on the Dem winning even if you write in your preferred primary candidate on principle. I doubt you want to assume any guilt for Drumpf or Cruz choosing the next SCOTUS Justice by sitting things out.


When they come out of that extremely funny clip and everyone is laughing, you can see the genuine expression of loss on Conan’s face, knowing that he’ll never be able to collaborate with Shandling like that again.

Behold the mighty Sarlacc. “In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.”

I’d change 3. to Woman who dislikes security protocol (but only for herself)

Given his aversion to empathy, perhaps he’s a sociopath. The smart and educated ones are very adept at trying to justify the unjustifiable.

No, because $20k a year is a minimum wage job in Oregon.

If you read the article he notes he’s $4,550 in arrears for his daughter.

No, but he can start hitting those arrears. You don’t think he can pay off $4,550 (plus interest) over 2 years grossing $20k/annum? The guy has to start somewhere.

I hope he reads your comment. This would be the perfect job for a decent writer who’s good at explaining things and who obviously cares about education and kids’ well-being. That job would likely bring in more than $15k a year to start. If he could find a teaching job in an underserved area of Oregon (where the cost

That’s more a failure of Gawker’s (probably nonexistent) copy editing department. Although people who write for Gawker should understand that and proof their own stuff carefully (especially ones who are partially doing it to get noticed by other outlets).

I tend to agree with you, even given all the barriers thrown up in front of him (not the least of which is getting a job in a new field that pays more than minimum wage at his age). Once you have kids, you do whatever you can to support the little money suckers. I have no doubt that a guy as smart and resiliant as

He's just a generic pretty boy. I've never seen the appeal beyond that.

If you bring up Soros with actual Wall Street executives (including Republicans) they'll talk about his good and bad decisions over the past couple of quarters. If you bring up Drumpf they'll just shake their heads in puzzled disgust.

Perhaps, like most Drumpf supporters, he's a "temporarily embarrassed billionaire."

He's a real life version of Max Bialystock from "The Producers."

The dude is not worth $10 billion. Most estimates put him at $3.5-4.7, which is impressive until you consider that just investing the money and assets he inherited from Fred in the market for 17 years would have put him ahead of that number.

What a gaudy grifter!

She "ran" the Plaza hotel only in the sense that her husband, the owner at the time, let her redo the interior decoration and threw in a fancy title. That isn't the qualification for operating a major hotel, let alone a hotel supported by a casino. The project went into bankruptcy mainly because of poor due diligence,