
I can’t get over this still. It’s just so god damned depressing, pretty iconic imo

Anything can be “psychologically addictive” from games to sugar drinks... is just a meaningless term.

Awesome. Remember what a slick collectible the original Star Wars Burger King glasses were? I’ve got a set for all three original trilogy movies, and the effort of caring for them, packing them away, and moving them for 30 years has made them worth ... about $2.00 each.

As someone who recently finished a one month rotation at a teaching hospital for OB, I have to strongly disagree with many of the author’s assertions. I think the assumption that most physicians practice in the manner in which the author describes are inaccurate and I question what evidence the author had in making

While Bucky Fuller invented the term “tensegrity”, Ken Snelson has long maintained the concept was his idea. Snelson was a student of Fuller’s at the time, and claims Fuller took credit for and publicized his idea with very little credit: http://www.grunch.net/snelson/rmoto.…

These are not the 72 virgins they were expecting.

It’s not that the snake would eat the dog food, it’s that the dog food would attract rodents, which in turn would attract snakes.

If your property is anywhere that can be considered wilderness then dealing with snakes should be expected. If you can’t handle it, move to the city.

Also, killing them is stupid. Those suckers eat something like 5,000 ticks a year. More rattlers means less Lyme Disease.

I have. In fact, I’ve had rattlesnakes show up in the yard out in Arizona when I was there (and sometimes sunning themselves on the porch). But I’m not a little bitch, so I didn’t kill them. You just leave them alone and they go away. We encountered them growing up too, camping in the desert or in the mountains - but

There are better ways to keep from getting bit by a snake than just killing ones you see. The blog is “Indefinitely WILD”. If you think killing wild animals in order to keep domesticated spaces clear of them is the best solution, than IW is probably the wrong place for you.

If I knew a rattler was actively hunting small shitty dogs, I would buy a piece of land out in the desert, and bring it dogs to hunt on a weekly basis.

He could do a lot of things. Clean the place up, keep his dog food inside, remove clutter and places snakes can hide, build a fence, train his dogs, or any of the things that people do all the time that help protect them from their dogs going after wildlife.

The majority of bites to humans are men, on the hand, while

It would also be great to point out how sad, stupid, dangerous, and unnecessary it is to kill an animal like this for a photo op. This old guy was worth noting while alive, killing it is all about ego.

The story, as I remember from Deadspin oh-so-many years ago, was that Berman and his crew were at a bar in Scottsdale, Arizona, and as they were talking to a group of women, Berman used the infamous line to one of them wearing a leather outfit. It’s Scottsdale; there’s a better-than-average chance that a full leather

Dunno if this adds anything substantial...but fuggit (all this is hearsay and second-party characterizations, so Ill lead with that):

My fiance is extremely self-conscious about it, even though I adamantly make it clear that nothing “smells bad” and that I actually like the taste. She says that the idea of it being offensive to do from a smell or taste perspective worries her so much that she can’t even really find it pleasurable, even when she says

Like those onion cutting goggles. Honestly if you eat pussy right I don’t give a fuck what you have on your face. Wear a fucking Groucho Marx mask for all I care.

I grew up in South Carolina so I think I’ve got a good handle on what does and does not constitute being a slave. Something about making at least $8 million over 12 years, not including endorsement deals, doesn’t really strike me as slavery. Suck it up, dude, and while you’re at it pick up my fucking club.

I like it, and depending on price would like to actually have it. I used to work at a dealership that sold Vespas, Piaggios, and Aprillia bikes. Besides the Aprillia Shiver, the Piaggio MP3 was my favorite to ride. The 2 wheels in front made it a very comfortable plus it was a joy at stop lights and slowly going

In fairness to the PD, changes to the 911 system seem like a pretty big deal, so while I don’t know if Rasmussen should be the person to approve them, someone at the PD should. And if getting merely approvals from supervisors is sufficient to make you go ape-shit, you’re in for a tough life ahead.