That’s a really fun part of doing a bike project....
That’s a really fun part of doing a bike project....
I mean, I put about 20% of my income towards my retirement fund, and at least 10% is discretionary spending - isn’t that kinda the norm? I'll take a 20% pay cut vs being laid off, any time.
And car sales 101 is to get the customer on a car that is on the lot.
Who says you could not test drive it and see it in real ?
I’m going with a boring answer- Honda Ridgeline.
I think the first gen is significantly more attractive than the second.
Jalopnik is one of the very few outlets that does not agree to informational embargoes. That means that other outlets sign extensive non-disclosure agreements, agreeing to sit on information for days, weeks, sometimes months in advance, and not say a peep about it until a manufacturer’s marketing team says they can.…
I don’t advise negotiating in person because the same results can be achieved in without going back and forth. As you said if a dealer doesn’t come to your number you walk...and then you ahve to spend time somewhere else. Why not just find out who has the best price by comparing the numbers before you go?
Holy crap I just got so much dumber reading this.
Corporations don’t give a shit about you, and you can be certain that if you give a two year verbal commitment, the company will not hesitate to cut you loose after one year if it’s in their benefit to do so.
might be a while. I’ve been using a refurb MX Revolution at work, 40 hours a week, for almost a decade now. Had to replace the battery and hack in a different way to charge if after the dock connections died.
might be a while. I’ve been using a refurb MX Revolution at work, 40 hours a week, for almost a decade now. Had to…
People in the 90's said this about the 70's fyi
The people still buying and defending this game are the real life definition of “mark ass bitches”.
It’s been almost three years now, but I still see a phrase like “election of Donald Trump” and my first reaction is “really? That fucking guy?”
Wake me when the phone supports Pencil.
I have a running tally. This is reason #193,782 why I’ll never attend another NFL game again.
You are technically correct, sir, which, as we all know, is the best kind of correct.
I never understood the need to keep up appearances when you have a job that does all the appearances for you. Who cares what car you drive? You’re licensed to pilot a motherfucking JET. Keep your cash and come up with some great retorts for the ribbing that the superficial tech bros and venture cap babies feel they…
Is it unique and cool in some way? Sure. Is it remotely reasonable to consider as a reliable, relatively affordable year-round daily driver? Not a chance.
If he just wants a cool hobby car to start conversation and drive to the airport once in a while, great, but that’s not at all what he asked for.