You could add Chile and Argentina as well. That pretty much tops the list of countries I’ve visited that made me feel safer than the US.
You could add Chile and Argentina as well. That pretty much tops the list of countries I’ve visited that made me feel safer than the US.
It’s okay, I’ve been a jerk to everyone on this page today. I’m sorry too.
Great. How does this advance your point in any way whatesoever?
Well fine, I should have said I was Canadian, but with the internets nowadays, I give away as little info as possible. If he came back at me with Trudeau, I would’ve entered into the conversation we’re having now. Although, TO BE FAIR, you can’t possibly compare Trump to Trudeau with the racism... one ignores the…
I’m gonna spare you having to read the entire thread and just say that I wrote that to troll people, and trolled they were.
Now why you gotta go and insult my dura mater... :/
Really? I thought people loved A-Rod now, since he’s a broadcaster and with J-Lo and all. Weird shit going on.
Well, accuse me of being a racist and I’ll throw it right back at you. If you weren’t so illiterate, you might scroll up a bit at the accusation that I throw bananas at soccer players. I think it’s a fair tit-for-tat if someone is willing to go that far out on a limb to insult me. Now go fuck off.
I hate fighting in hockey. It’s an abomination and I’d deport Don Cherry to you guys if I could.
You’re right, our treatment of First Nations is pretty bad. I live near some of the ghetto-like towns they set up and it’s sad to see. Unfortunately, it’s not a political issue people here want to address. And at least it’s civil between First Nations and everyone here (where I live anyway, don’t know about…
I didn’t know I had to get approval from the US to adopt a breed of dog. I should check into that.
You.. you took the time to actually check out my profile AND read some of my movie articles?? Jesus... even I’m not THAT bored at work.
You all seem to love A-Rod.
I was aiming at the socialized medicine thing, but you’re right, Japan and South Korea are also better than the US.
Who the hell is Bret Stephens?
Who said I was a bot...?
Coulda sworn that’s what the president of YOUR country would do. Good ol’ Americans, accuse everyone else of racism while voting in the KKK yourselves. You deserve a pat on the back.
Good thing you Americans are here to show us what poor sports you all are. Thanks, Serena.